Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

Haha, and I’ll always be your Demon :heart:

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So the previous slot holder left a note that Alice is wolf, unless somehow mech-confirmed. I thought I caught that Alice is YunoGasai in this game. What do you think of her?

I think she’s Town tbh

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Is that based off general tone? Or did you see a particular post that makes you think that?

No, I meant when he is dead he cant be voted for as grand master

Who are you

Well I see the thread has died down a lot more compared to SoD

Why’s Whysper here? They weren’t before right?


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Awh Ici? I liked them

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I’m shielding Whysper because it would be nice to actually play a game with her.


Atlas wagon is a big shrug for me. That said.

What happened to people saying he was >rand V?

What’s a plastic read, by the way?

There’s a 75% chance (on average) that I am just town :pensive:

It wasn’t.
By the way, was that Cattail post a fabrication or not? As in, did you write this yourself, or did you copypaste it from somewhere?

it’s not mechanical, i’m pretty sure they told me why they’re doing it and i kinda buy it

/vote Shurian

I guess Wazza isn’t happening?

Rue has good posts.
Cheese spent this entire game openclaiming, asking wolves to claimvig him, etc. Don’t think that’s how he approaches the game as a wolf, at least not from the start.
Ici had an insightful read on Pigeon that I think is either correct (in a world where Ici is a V slot, therefore making Pigeon V) or straight TMI, and specifically V TMI (in a world where Ici is a W slot). Therefore, I am townreading Pigeon by proxy.

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I still don’t know how to read this slot, by the way.

This read never works.

I’ll give you three names.


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i still kinda want it to tbh

i can’t allow someone in their wolf meta to endgame


the way i use it personally is to describe something that’s artificial or faked

it’s not natural, it’s plastic