Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

yo if anyone quotes their rolecard in chat ill vote with them for the rest of the day :flushed:

/vote Vulgard @astand @KyoDaz

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this is meme but against rules

Is that abnormal?


I do wish pigeon would post more

W!PKR tends to white knight and TMI suspect villagers a lot which is why I just hated how he jumped to Wazza V for little reason at all.

V!Pidgeon is generally more aggressive such as in Gold Rush where he started pushing Leafia from the get-go.

can you go back to being shinichi and stop being spf it’s weirding me out

I mean is PKR not having wolf reads typical

I’m not sure with some people here cause they generally seem very LHF-y

I’m honestly getting a bit tired of the double act.
I’m just going to go away until these cretins are no longer in thread.

Do you think the alts are wolves?

why was this flagged


I’m not saying you shouldn’t kill vul, but, when we did sheep Marl in gold rush, it got two town killed and saved a scum

Because the alts dislike that I’m being fucking honest

You don’t need to resort to personal attacks and call me a cretin over suspecting you.

I have 0 fucking clue, all I know is it feels like I’m dealing with Seth in the “I’d rather kill them no matter what they are” way atm.

Aha, sure.
Just stop flipping doing the double act, it’s getting really tiring really fucking fast.

Also who’s the mod watching the thread 24/7

/suicide bomb PKR