Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

anyone want to make funny posts wi th me

quick explanation:

Every time Chloe contemplates voting someone and their read on them

they’re scum

friendly example is literally when they were wolf contemplating voting me

bad read but it’s a pressure vote with a mini-explanation

yo i was in that iso too

think eli villa ye

I’m too busy openwolfing


min always v never rescindo


Aight, do you have original thoughts other than RP’ing as SPF?

@min wanna be buddi

I like this one

Take a townlean




frienddly tip but saying something is a pressure vote immediately removes any possibility of pressure being applied

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Btw if you guys think I’m a wolf you should just sheep my eventual reads since I’ll bus anyway

/vote Atlas

If you don’t think I’m a wolf then just completely ignore my reads because they’re probably gonna be wrong

What’s the point of posts like these?

oh no

it’s not meant to be a direct “place pressure” vote

it’s just meant to be there in the case that other players vote you in which, you’re closing to actually dying.

also because the people I want to vote are currently voting me and knowing these forums, they’ll say “oh my god OMGUS” and the other person I can vote is Wind but I feel like she’s jesterwolf

Idk, is there supposed to be a point? It’s not like I’m sitting here calculating carefully what I’m saying

Windward, what are you doing?

“I wonder who’s being wagoned”

the wagons:

I was about to call wind lock mafia but then I read her last 5 posts now shes in my towncore

(i dont actually know but her recent posting is >>rand v regardless of anything)