Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

because i saw how people were expressing reads on me, saw who followed up with a vote or not, saw who was hedging my slot, and saw who reevaluated or not.

that’s what i consider readability; never did i expect to read all posts in the thread in a 25p game nor expected anyone else to. it’s all about realtime interactions if i don’t know where else to start, and that’s how i started. it was literally BAIT, which you seemed to know, since you very clearly said you did not want me wagoned toDay for fear that i was some sort of a vengeful role.

if i had zeroposted instead, i’d have basically no idea what’s going on at this point and you’d still have over 5000 posts here, so as much as i clogged the thread with my openwolfing, at least i got some reads out of it.

the thread, “you” in general and not you personally

Whether this is bastard or not is beyond you and me. This is simply inexcusable for any host to do, regardless of background. How can I enjoy this game when it’s all anime? Everything is anime. This game is anime. My rand is anime. I hate anime. I simply cannot imagine a world where anime exists. Anime is a plague that has infected this land. Anime is a curse, and it has infected you. I will let everyone at Flow know about this. Your credibility as a host has been ruined. Enjoy your wacko account on FurAffinity, because you’re not surviving much longer. I will wipe the shit out of you with precision the likes of which have never been seen on this earth. Forum of Lies is gonna enjoy this. At no point did anyone ever ask for an anime game, and yet you have ruined this paradise. How can I enjoy my bulletproof bodyguard unjester rand now? The only thing left is ligma. What’s ligma? Ligma balls.

My rand is wolf and I am subbing the fuck out.

For legal reasons this is a joke.

My internet died earlier and I have plans for a majority of the time until EoD.

I’ll try to place a final vote if possible, but it’s unlikely I come back until D2.

Vote Shurian or looser.

Vote Shurian or looser.


I havent really tried to do much have i

…ive returned to civilization but a game got me too depressed to do much, taking questions

/vote YunoGasai

I’m really not in the mood for this right now.

I’ve already pointed out how their post on Wazza is a quintessential W!Shurian post.

Nobody’s fucking paying attention to this because everyone’s focused on Atlas’ non-stop self-defending and Wazza’s “make me GM” shitposts.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Wazza Alkali, Arctic, Vulgard, Luxy, Atlas, WindwardAway 6/13
Atlas Marshal, thepigeonnyc, Zerokito, Nightingale 4/13
Shurian Marluxion, min, YunoGasai, Liattac 4/13
Nightingale Aelin, sulit 2/13
Marshal EliThePsycho, Galena 2/13
Arctic clonedcheese 1/13
Marluxion Hippolytus 1/13
YunoGasai Rue 1/13
Not voting PokemonKidRyan, Shurian, Whysper, Wazza 4
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I’ll trust in you, you’re one of my highest Townreads so + I need to self-pres.

/vote Shurian

Although Alice, you seem convinced I’m wolf, yet you think Shurian is wolf for his push on me?

/vote Atlas

A) It’s not a push on you. He basically kept talking about you but never really reaching any conclusions irt your alignment, which is basically the same thing he did to Vulgard in that game.

B) My SR on you isn’t that strong, it’s just that I find you kinda wolfy but people have basically settled on either you or Atlas and I don’t really have that much of strong SR on Atlas as his self-defending bullshit could be done by him as either alignment.

So then you do think Shurian and Wazza are possibly W/W?

I’m thinking of voting Wazza mainly because I’ve seen more of how she’s been wolfy. And the wagon on her seems mostly pure.

It’s D1. I’m more interested in killing my strongest SR rather than worldbuilding.

I think it can go either way as Wazza/Shurian don’t have strong non-associatives.

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