Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

This is a bad idea.

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I’m adding an addendum. If he shoots them and they flip town, we kill him.

Did marl say what powers he gets

We can cfd to you if you want

/vote pkr

Dumb read, but I feel like Hippo would be more tryhard-y as a wolf?

Just shitposting about the GM thing doesn’t really feel like it’s something that he’d do.

Sorry if I’m wrong my memeory isn’t perfect but I don’t think he’s really done this in his recent wolf games

Nah I have j didn’t try in FAM either tbf

But I assume if u iso my last town game where I got night killed I’m the same as there


Was about to ask why it’s a bad idea when I realized why it’s a bad idea. Framers and stuff can exist to mess us up.

I don’t like Wazza’s slot, but I’m having paranoia because people are twisting every single thing they do to be wolfy and i cant tell if its confbiased villagers or agenda’d wolves

PKR is nothing like he was in Warrior Cats

I want to end on someone but I still think Shurian is >rand town and I have literally no read on Wazza

someone convince me

Eh, I feel like a top-priority would be to make sure Vulgard gets through the night. Anything else should be fair game provided vigs don’t hero shoot and cops don’t check obvious villagers.

Please don’t vote me, I really don’t like EoD pressure. Yall should know that by now.

Hmmm, you having that paranoia is rand v honestly. It’s not something you’d expect to hear coming from a wolf so you get a slight townlean from me.

why is he like really towny

…cop claim.