Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

/vote Atlas


This string of posts from 3x3 actually look fairly villagery being that it seems like it was a natural reaction to Wazza’s bullshit, tbfh.

Would it be a good idea to research the game’s flavor for a clue as to what the Grand Master does?

And what’s this from

The question about the Grand Master election seemed like an attempt to slide into the thread naturally.

woman grand master sucks as a chess title but its >>>>better than grand mistress

I only now realized that when people say 3x3 they’re reffering to me.

galena is about as Done with this thread as someone should be and i’ve silently vibed with their reads, they get a >rand v sticker from me


also acknowledged

Because I know you?

Like, it’s not a fully-fleshed out read yet being that I know that you’re not gonna tryhard as you usually do, but it’s still kind of unlike you to just drop so many naked reads like this.

700 posts…

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am I not allowed to be curious about something I don’t know is

when did I ever imply this? I wasn’t even able to say anything towards anyone else besides wazza for the entire threadstate.

this is probably false but anyone who does genuinely do this is game throwing unless they are exactly marl

you’re incorrect because you’re actively taking my words and thinking im saying “wazza shut the fuck up about mech forever never talk about it again” which is simply untrue. I legit do not understand why you completely misinterpreted my posts as me saying to stop mech talk forever when I clearly stated several times that I didnt mean that. I don’t give a shit about mech talk/ mech talk is helpful sometimes. im saying when you’re doing mech talk over social deduction regardless of what type of game it is, it does not help town when you only do mech talk. id even go as far as to say in this game it could apply more, considering there are bastard elements in this game.

I don’t care, I don’t know what it does legit at all so if u guys wanna pick me for that go for it

explain why?

I just prefer a wind one at this point.

hi night

why are you memeing so much

pls explain the simularities

what is this ?

“triple three”


you are

a bit late and its kinda funny

this is so relatable

no youre not
go to curiosity jail

/vote Atlas @astand @kyodaz


My doing of that is intentional

I wanted to try imitating Mac before realizing I can’t

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eli please start posting content instead of just liking my posts about how it would be a good idea to post content

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Do you think I was pushing you in bad faith?

also im going to be hyper-posting less because I decided to play multiple games at once for some reason