Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

It’s not just a point about you, we’ve had so many pointless claims today and adding more into the mix only help wolves if you’re Town because now they know you’re not a powerful role so you aren’t a threat to them.


Ah alright. I personally think that Whysper helping to clear up my misconceptions about her role is rand v honestly.

Hmm okay, I get your point.

Roles aren’t the only thing that determines a person’s threat level to the wolves.

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If you were wolf, do you see Whysper as a threat?

(No offence here Whysper, but you’re a player who replaced in and a lowposter)

Just going to explain why I scumread Galena’s EOD idk if I have energy for anything else

It’s not like, lockwolf bad but it’d pretty bad imo (its probably more bad from my pov since i . know im town but shruggee, i also think they could be partners with wazza but thats another story)

It’s not entirely the push back on me that’s wolfy, its really the exaggeration

If you look at my posts about them (if you try to look at them from the perspective I’m town) Galena just goes ham. I didn’t even hard push on them, I just mentioned an offhand read. In a funny graph. The way Gelena reacts to this push, especially from me, someone relatively undiscussed and unmentioned in their own iso just feels really wolfy and exaggerated.

I’m just not sure where this anger comes from in the case of v!Galena? Why are they getting so heated at me scumreading them at eod. Not even pushing them tbh just bring up their slot. The anger seems really uncalled for and stretched

I’m not even super sure where they’d get to the conclusion that my push is “awful?”

It feels more like a wolf “get the fuck off me” than a villager… I dont even know what v!Galena get super mad at here? maybe they just get generally pissed at pressure idk

Maybe I just need a better viewpoint or I’m biased because they pushed me? I’m just not seeing where v!Galena gets mad at this graph, hadn’t even voted them yet

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No I wouldn’t. That’s regardless of Whysper’s role though. If she was someone with Alice’s skill level however, I would. My point is that a skilled VT is more threatening to the wolves than an unskilled PR.

Exactly, and announcing you’re a glorified VT doesn’t add to that

time to wait for someone actually willing to talk about reads to come to thread

I can honestly see a world in which you’re right about Galena possibly existing honestly.

This is…not convincing.

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Actually on that. There must be a no-nonsense wolf in charge. They took out a bunch of the town core so readily. They were even prepared to kill Chloe immediately at SoD. I mean, I suppose those were good kills. Vul was a cop and Chloe was his N0. But I’m surprised they didn’t leave Alice around and let people suspect her.

Anyway, I think I’ll call it a night now, so good night everyone.

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Haha, none taken :slight_smile:


I can see it, I think.

Oh, and before I forget, I still want to vote Wazza today. She was the CW to the V wagon yesterday and all the reasons for her wagon still apply.

/vote Wazza @astand

Am I supposed to care about convincing you I’m not NK all of a sudden?


OK, some stuff came up, but should be able to dedicate the next three or so hours actually playing this goddarn game.

Gimme a sec to read up on the past 1000 posts or so.

N0 I learned that there’s anticlaim killpower in game. Hence my D1’s
N1 I learned that ‘the setup is intended for 25 human players’

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