Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

I think they absolutely do, pigeon is gonna be someone you want to shield early or else he’ll get put to the shredder

I also disagree with this even more cuz I think whysper knows that this is mega angleshootable and I sort of doubt she ever says this as v, it is also pretty out there as w tbf but i am not convinced at all it’s wolf AI

*its town AI

Marl gave me access to the account N2.

Regardless of all worlds we are living in, I think Hippo is incredibly likely to be a wolf.

Ah. So it’s only for D3 then? Even if so, it helps us out a lot. Where are your reads currently at after the flip?

it’s a gross thing to say as either alignment though, i don’t think it makes her less likely to be v


u know what


Screen Shot 2021-08-22 at 5.51.52 PM

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brb in ~1-2 hours

It should be a consensus villager who gets it next. Someone who’ll actually use it.

something like

rue min atlas zero sulit
marl whysper marshal (tentative)


hippo luxy eli PKR
wazza guillo

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get on that galena spew!!!

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sulit v, im v and you are all fucking potatoes for not listening to me about them containing a wolf

Well, I’m going to head out for a bit now, so talk to everyone later.

“blah blah what if they’re v/v powerwolf marshal!!!” cringe

Im not gonna look for spew from them im gonna just complain more

tbh Im gonna be like extremely busy this game like barely any time to play after the next, like, 5 hours

tfw you catch a wolf

i think zerokito’s peak on atlas is correct

tfw you catch wolves by PoE which is infinitely less cool but also still protown

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This is a solid last game to end on im happy