Ciconia FM: When They Cry - Signups (25/25) - Full

look I just want to note for the record that I was the alt mod for that game (not Chloe) and I didn’t say anything about Dragma whatsoever until everyone else from FoL was like ‘Dragma is Emilia btw’


Ah, so basically yes people do slip?

shocker lol

nobody slipped we just all thought it was emilia from how they were acting and the coincidence of someone emilia-esque joining both games with the same name

arete said nothing


I was referencing cases where the alt wishes to remain anon, since you said they could “just not join a game with somebody who knows their identity”

fair enough ig

deadass same meta and everything
it was incredible

i still dont believe it wasn’t emilia

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it was definitely her lol

once again i think the alt mod would be respectful enough to not out their identity
or in this case not replace into a game where they have an advantage like that

At the end of the day my main thing is “we have to keep changing these rules because they keep not working and they’re kinda spaghetti and there doesn’t seem to be much of a point to them given the fact that players consistently express frustration because of them so literally why bother”

There aren’t really rules now other than ‘you needa let a mod know you want to make an alt account,’ ‘dont be a dick,’ and ‘hosts can do what they want with alt stuff’

Just let people alt in peace
I get that you hate them but many people enjoy having the option


And ftr if anyone has concerns about alt-mods we have the Designated Alt-Mod Mr. DatBird who doesn’t even play FM anymore

Love you, Dat


I maintain that causing frustration for others isn’t worth enabling a worse method of getting any of the supposed goals of alting

But fine, see you when we change the rules again in a few months ig


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The main complaint irt alts in Meowtanado was that people kept trying to disguise their tone which made them wolfy af.

This isn’t really an alt problem and is more of a people problem, tbfh.

As I mentioned there, though, there’s a fine line between being obviously yourself and intentionally obfuscating your own posts

And I don’t think I’ve seen anyone land on that line yet

And like being yourself isn’t a big issue when you aren’t automatically one of around 20 people

But here that’s basically the case

Disagree. I didn’t know who Clownzu and Ketsuban were and they didn’t have to pull the “intentionally obfuscating your own posts” thing.

Ketsu was already one of two people from the name alone lmao

clownzu wasn’t an alt though were they?
