Ciconia FM: When They Cry - Signups (25/25) - Full





Iā€™m not an alt I swear


Weird alt name but whatevs

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I keep reading this signup read and wondering if I should play

I relate

This is a cry for help

Again Ill say it, IRL > FM

if its gonna cause u unneeded stress in a time that u dont got much time as it is its just gonna bring it down for ya. I would honestly take a break in your shoes, but u do u

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Mute the thread

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play, postcap yourself to 50, see what happens

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last time i postcapped myself i successfully pulled it off for exactly D1

and then posted 300~ times the next day iirc


While weā€™re wildly off-topic

FriendlyJordies FM when

yeah thatā€™s probably what would happen

Iā€™m damaged goods

Yes you are an alt.

In other news, the word soup means something bad happened in the night in Forum Mafia.

this joke was a lot funnier when my name was Vase for like an hour and a half



We know

Daily reminder that Rokon is adorable.



Join ā€˜cause I wanna see you play :3

Didnā€™t he say heā€™s going to stop playing on this site except for special events?