Ciconia FM: When They Cry - Signups (25/25) - Full

Every event is special when Vulgard joins :slight_smile:


That implies he joins the event, and one would assume it has to be special beforehand

Unless obviousalt42 here is vul




I never seen such a lively sign-up thread lol!

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Welcome to FoL, the game will be like this too.

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Sounds like fun!!! ^ _ ^

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Marl, I want you to guess who I am!

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or Wisp
that’s my second guess!

Bold of you to assume Vulgard hasn’t already joined :flushed: .


If I actually want to join but I want to low-effort, do I alt or do I just join as myself and get scumread for it? :joy_cat:

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I don’t really want to clog up the game with more alts tbh

I also don’t want to toppost in a 25å gamn

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What the hell happened to that post lmao

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That was supposed to say 25p game

I’ll tell you after we’re done lol!

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Windy, join!

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Wiiiiiiiiiindy! ^ _ ^

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I want to but I don’t want the burden of making accurate reads on D1 in a large game lmao