Ciconia FM: When They Cry - Signups (25/25) - Full

Yeah, Phraze and Quick are basically the kind of wolves that have fairly polarized playing styles, so Jane kind of got screwed in the rand.


windy join anyway and ignore pepega people scumreading you for low efforting

will be fun

Eh, fuck it, thereā€™s no point in alting in this game, too much clutter and the login is annoying lol.

/in @astand


And I like astandā€™s setups


I promise to townread you no matter how scummy you look.

Tbfh, if youā€™re in a low-power setup like D6 then ā€œthey lived too long, so theyā€™re scumā€ doesnā€™t really work as wolves would be too busy PR hunting.

Only reason I could spare a kill to remove SPF that game was because 2 of the 3 PRs outed for no reason and the third one was fairly obvious from their reaction to Phraze outing her shot.

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This kind of mentality encourages wolves to keep known strong villagers alive I think.

That is lvl 0 thinking.
Which is why NKA sometimes gets a bad rap a little undeserved imo.

What if you regret that :joy_cat:

That match I couldnā€™t afford to keep SPF alive, though.

She basically had the last wolf in a PoE of me/Neo/Quick and while I could ML Quick/Neo I needed a third ML in Schweppes/Syn/IAWY to win.

It gets weird when you have players like me who are generally considered strong town, alive in LyLo because I consistently lose when Iā€™m town in LyLo lol

Best solution is to kill me before LyLo because I always win as wolf and lose as town :joy_cat:

Main issue being, as town I never know whether I should second guess myself or not at that point

I see. Makes sense to me.

Thatā€™s pretty understandable but I think youā€™ll turn that around someday.

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Then Iā€™ll start scumreading you.

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Yeah, I still have plenty of time to improve lol

Like, something thatā€™s different in MU from here is that villagers there tend to act fairly villagery, so strong players can eventually build a fairly strong PoE since you donā€™t have people who do nothing but slank, talk about mech, or self-vote and AtE. Which means that they canā€™t be allowed to be taken to endgame for a paranoia ML.

I know I sound harsh towards FoLā€™ers, but thatā€™s kind of the truth.

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Zero if i guess your main will you tell me :pleading_face:

Itā€™s basically as Iā€™ve always say.

Stop talking about mech if it doesnā€™t further the gamestate.
Stop clogging the thread with off-topic stuff and fluff.
Stop wasting time with AtE.
Stop defending random people for no reason.
Actively try to solve the game yourself.

Thatā€™s basically the only way that you wonā€™t get MLā€™d.

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alice if youā€™re gonna off-topic in the signup thread post your cat :pleading_face:

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