Ciconia FM: When They Cry - Signups (25/25) - Full

Every game I said I’d low effort in when signing up, I still got scumread for not topposting

Err… do you have a volume tell?

No, I toppost usually as both alignments

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Problem is people expect me to solve the game early as town when it’s actually scum indicative for me lol

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Then it’s kinda dumb for people to try to use SBPCBWE on you.

People pull this shit on me all the damn time despite that I just finished a wolfgame where I had like the 3rd top postcount despite having my WiM slashed midway through the game.

I think my games are fairly distinct due to a few factors but somehow people still misread me so :man_shrugging: I dunno

Still better than being wolfread for being in a game. =/

I got paranoia wolfread by Gorta once because I made an extremely long and detailed solve post outlining all possible wolf teams and correctly nailing a wolf, and Gorta went “Wind is giving me paranoia because she wrote a post that I don’t want to read”




It was in NUF 2 lol

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But it was actually very funny


I just finished playing Clue(do) Mafia off site.
That went down hill for scum surprisingly fast.


What’s that?

I do think that if Alice and I are w/w, I’m getting hellbussed.

People here will wolfread you just for being good.

Deal with it.

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Were you a wolf?

There’s only one game I was ever in where I didn’t get wolfread at all … Was my second game and a 25p mash and I was town bus driver, and got vigged D2 by w!Vulgard

No I was town and solved the game lol

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Ah nice. Congratulations and you should join this.

My survival length is NAI, so using NKA to say I’m scum … not going to work.