Clash of Cults - Corax Cult Chat

Yo what.

How did Italy die?

And Vulgard?

Hi guys, Iā€™m not posting tonight because Iā€™m about to go to sleep.

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What happened

You got Areteā€™d into Italy

tele needs to be converted tonight so we can fake links otherwise we straight up lose.

How though? I attacked Cent first

Iā€™m fucking stupid fuck you soul

Whatever I think we lose now, Iā€™ll see what I can do in the morning.


Well If I get lynched you still have a chance if you convert tele just being debbed might be bad

You werenā€™t debbed, you attacked Vul, remember?

I didnā€™t attack italy

OH wait it was the second target

I wasnā€™t stupid

Whoops, i slipped up and accidentally told marshall that ozz is the CL :upside_down_face:

who did you target last night?

arete visited ozz, was visited by nobody

dang italy you likely got Hmā€™d you shouldnā€™t of acted

Iā€™m so confused how did italy die

where you ever bled or something O-o