Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

I didn’t realize how off you guys were.

magnus not wanting to die is pretty fuckin selfish, I had reasons to shift the lynch to Jake as i was scum reading him

What am I confirming?

Is Magnus new to these types of games?

no, he isn’t. he should have some clue on what to do


I agree with you 100%. Lynching Soul should be the priority and then doing what they have to do to get Luxy.

I really wish people didn’t read into mine that much. But then again, the worst thing that happened to me was Kai’s fake red check and push on me. Very silly gambles.

Lol is it?

I didn’t really care much about your d1 memeing and I don’t think that was the issue.
just a more self-focused tone was what threw me off.

Example: claiming that your being occed on nappy was “important info”, and then when you were told it wasn’t you said it was to look important. Things like that are really just so scummy

and yes. usually you have a good additude and then get real mad or defensive and then its a vicious cycle.
always having an outlet for agressivity(either a push for votes or asking for reads) helps

When I look back on it, I agree I did come across that way. That wasn’t my 1st intention, but it didn’t hinder what I was going for. I thought that if I held important information at that period it would have drawn out some suspicion in others, but it didn’t really seem to have that effect.

I feel like if I lay the breadcrumbs for how I act now it will pay off for later games when people draw from my playstyle in past games.

Vulgard was on to me, but in the wrong way. I felt that if I was acting strange and a tad scummy then the cults might think I was on the other team. I didn’t think BD would push on me for acting so overt like that.

Alright, I finally finished reading deadchat. It was a fun adventure. You guys tripled the amount of posts you made for the entire game in the 24 hours prior to my joining. Things got heated! I haven’t seen this side of @Wazza before!

I tricked marshal into thinking I wasn’t aware of priest’s abilities, because I knew he’d tell tele that “italy let slip who the cult members are” in dead chat :upside_down_face:

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New insult:

Go commit Starting King

Oh no, being redacted is the worst thing to be

Look back on previous games.

I’ve been very pissed at times, even more heated than this.

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One time I almost got blacklisted from playing games for a while (Ended up getting force replaced in all the games I was in currently, though)

This is completely offtopic but does anyone know a site where I can format the posts here without having to use this editor? It’s kind of atrocious not going to lie.