Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

I feel like if I lay the breadcrumbs for how I act now it will pay off for later games when people draw from my playstyle in past games.

Vulgard was on to me, but in the wrong way. I felt that if I was acting strange and a tad scummy then the cults might think I was on the other team. I didn’t think BD would push on me for acting so overt like that.

Alright, I finally finished reading deadchat. It was a fun adventure. You guys tripled the amount of posts you made for the entire game in the 24 hours prior to my joining. Things got heated! I haven’t seen this side of @Wazza before!

I tricked marshal into thinking I wasn’t aware of priest’s abilities, because I knew he’d tell tele that “italy let slip who the cult members are” in dead chat :upside_down_face:

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New insult:

Go commit Starting King

Oh no, being redacted is the worst thing to be

Look back on previous games.

I’ve been very pissed at times, even more heated than this.

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One time I almost got blacklisted from playing games for a while (Ended up getting force replaced in all the games I was in currently, though)

This is completely offtopic but does anyone know a site where I can format the posts here without having to use this editor? It’s kind of atrocious not going to lie.

No idea what you mean.

Is there an wbesite editor where I can format the posts (Like strikethrough, underline ect.) without having to edit it here?

I’m afraid this is the best you’ll get.

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Thanks! Was wondering how to strikethrough things since ~~ ~~ didn’t work originally. Must have typed it wrong. Was going to a strikethrough website to do it :confused:

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don’t put spaces inbetween them ~~ like this~~, do it like this

marshal, i’m not gonna say you’re gullible, but you 100% took the bait :upside_down_face:

Arete is so obviously trying to get 2 BD shot it’s painful.

inb4 centuries wasn’t even joking and he’s actually just a genius EK

Centuries isn’t really doing anything. No matter his alignment he isn’t really helping.
Also, Mithras might not be wiped out Italy. :slight_smile:

These wagons are a clownfiesta.
What is Centuries even doing.

who cares

sulit says with everlasting snark