Clash of Cults - Mithras Cult Chat

@Solic Was insanity jailed


Does he get removed from the thread then

No. They may continue to speak here.

Oh okay, Insanity vulgard is our prince just so you know


Mhm, so what should I say :thinking:

no idea lol, he dosenā€™t have exes so /shrug you do you

Ahhhhhh, sorry for slanking so hard ;-;

There is like 8.5k post which is demotivating .-.

yeahhh, try to get some kinda idea but uh yeah

were probably fucked because both of us are scum read

@Insanity can I tell them ur my CL I wanna try to get sus off you

Uhm, isnā€™t that gamethrowing ;-;

Youā€™re getting lynched if I didnā€™t, Iā€™m trying to convince them I want to lynch you

Welp, sure then .-.

But ahhhhhhhhh, I am slanking so hard ;-;

Sorry derps.

Meh is what it is

Try to convert tonight, and pray it works