Clash of Cults - Mithras Cult Chat

I think Jake is town lmao

Im honestly confused about dat.

I dont know what to think of him

Hmm… Idk either…

Btw we shoudl start having classes that we intend to claim

I think ill go with phys, ill tank some hunter bleeds.

As for me, Drunk might be decent… Maybe Noble… Or even pally or knight

You have to be carefull though, if you claim to deb any kind of invest, youre fucked lmao

After the first one in general.

also thanks for giving me cult Sol, I dont need to riot!

Also, I think at least one of the other scum team hasn’t been active.

Hmmm… Yeah i think so too… Especially if Tele is scum

I dont actually think tele is scum, I think their too good of a player to act like that as scum

I find it reasonable that they could TMI slip… The weird thing is that she said she was confirmable

The general way they have been playing though, dosent seem like scum for them. I mean look at how they played warlock in the NFoL

That’s just me though. I’ll probably do 1-2 ISOs tonight as well

One on tele, and Ill do one on someone else gonna look and see

tele and dat It I think.


I dont think itll let me reply? Idk im doing an iso

okay so I did the tele iso would you like to see it