I feel that sorcerer win is quite low compared to other two neutral killers. As such here is my suggestion combine some abilities from Herbalist into Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
Neutral Killer
Passive: Perception - You will not attack targets that are death immune or guarded by The Knight.
Passive: Mage Armor - Immune to death at night, poison and bleeding.
Day Ability (Walking Bomb) - Cast a deadly spell on a player that you can later detonate. Can have multiple Walking Bombs active. Cannot target King. (∞ uses)
Day Ability (Defile) - If the targeted player dies tonight, they will appear as the chosen class. You will know what class they really were. (3 uses)
Night Ability (Magic Missile) - Fire a magic missile at a player, killing them. (∞ uses)
Night Ability (Exploding Drug) - Target Others: Trick a player into believing they were attacked and healed. They will not believe they were cured of Nightshade or Bleeding.
Target Self: Kill all players with a walking bomb active. (∞ uses)