[Class Sugestion] The Mechanic/Engineer

THE MECHANIC (Blue Dragon Class, Support)
Passive 1. (Tinkering) You are immune to Occupation but not Redirection on building nights

Passive 2. (Setting Traps) You will be immune to redirection and target prevention but not Occupation on setting nights

D. Ability 1. (Destroy Trap) If your trap is set, you will destroy it. you will have to re-build the trap for one night.

D. Ability 2. (Strengthen trap)[1 Use] Increase your traps strength to bypass immunity and it doesn’t destroy itself if they are visited

N. Ability 1. (Build Trap)[2 Day cool down] Set a trap at someone’s house. You will be building it for two nights. The trap will prevent All Visitors and will be destroyed after

N. Ability 2. (Obtain equipment) You will be immune to any negative effects. Including death. This will make your next trap take one less day to build

THE ENGINEER (Unseen Class, Support)
Passive 1. (Tinkering) You are immune to Occupation but not Redirection on building nights

Passive 2. (Setting Traps) You will be immune to redirection and target prevention even if its prince

D. Ability 1. (Killer Trap)[1 Use] If your trap is set, All people who visit the trapped player will die. If no one visits they will die.

D. Ability 2. -

N. Ability 1. (Kill investigators)[2 Uses] Place a Pre-Made trap in a fellow unseen members room. Protecting them from any investigative type abilities (Will ‘o’ Wisp bypasses this. Princess will not get alerted)

N. Ability 2. (By madness)Try to build a prevention trap. Preventing anyone from visiting you or any other unseen members. (This has a 25/75 percent chance of success)

The Engineer is a useful support type class which prevents any visitors from investigating a fellow unseen member however the mechanic is good for trapping people to get the Neutral Killer, Assassin, Cult Leader. Please note. The Mechanic/engineers trap does not leave a death note. And can also kill Blue dragon classes


Your wrong he can’t kill king as it doesn’t count as a visit.

that better?

Yea :slight_smile:

These passives are really confusing me

Got that thank you

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I feel like this class would be super boring to play. There would be so many nights that the trapper would do nothing during those nights. Maybe make it a 1 night cooldown or make another night ability for this trapper to do during the building process. But personally waiting around for 2 nights just for a Mercenary guard on someone seems like a class I would not want to play. And I imagine getting occupied multiple times on setting nights, I would be so frustrated with this class.

This infinite uses?

If it is preventing visits then why does this need to bypass occupy and roe direct immunity it does it anyways.

When I say trapper I mean mechanic btw.

Is there a day ability 2?

Assuming no cooldown on this?

How many uses is this?

D. ability 2 is still to be decided.
N. Abil 1 (mechanic) Has no cool down but limited use.
N.Ability 2 (mech) Has infi uses. As i hate Unseen classes with limited uses

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