Bailiff (Support - BD)
Day Ability 1:
Point Finger (2): Just like the king, can turn his vote into 2 votes to put somebody up on the stand (best used later honestly…)
(Probably not a good idea. Need suggestions)
Night Ability 1:
Nightwatch (not sure if I want unlimited or not…) : Guard the Prince. Edit: If prince is attacked, you sacrifice yourself in his name.
Night Ability 2 (Optional)
Search Belongings : (2) : Search Prisoner’s belongings (TO BE EDITED - Not sure if I should discover class, class type, or faction, but no RNG)
Bailiff is a unique optional (not in all games) class that watches the jailhouse at night while the prince interrogates his prisoner. While the Bailiff keeps watch on a nightly basis, he turns a blind eye for the kingdom whenever the prince is expected to visit.
The Bailiff may be unique, but he is also easily convertible and killable. I can’t really think of a unique convert for him for the cult, however I like the idea of his unseen counterpart…
Bribed Bailiff (unseen support)
Day Ability 1:
Point Finger (2) ((Keeps the same count as before convert))
Day Ability 2:
Sneak Key (2): Gives a key to that night’s prisoner, allowing him to use his night abilities during jail time (even before execution). If prince dies this night, the prisoner is immune to prince’s execution (He escaped!)
Night Ability 1:
Easedrop (infinite): Listen in to the conversation between the prince and the prisoner.
Night Ability 2:
Confront Prince (1) Surprise the Prince, and stop him from executing the prisoner. Prince will be alerted of who you are, and you will see who exactly the prince is!
Lore: The Mastermind dropped a bag of gold to the Bailiff to hire his “services.” No longer loyal to the BD, this class turns from Prince’s guardian angel, to Prince’s demise.
'm not sure if I like this idea or not…but I feel like this class is useless once the prince dies…so maybe he can evolve from Bailiff to Jailer, which would pretty much be a prince without royalty and is still convertible…
Jailer: (BD - Killer)
Same exact abilities as the prince, minus his nobility and convertibility
Serial Killer: (Unseen - Killer)
Day Ability:
Jail - Put so and so in prison
Night Ability:
Dispose Evidence: Destroy the Prisoner beyond recognition. Bypass Death Immunity. When the body is discovered, their logs will be destroyed, and the player can not become a DK
Quick Lore:
What else would you expect from the unseen if given their own prison?
This seems very OP tbh…however its the idea I came up with in order to allow the bailiff/bribed to have some sort of purpose after the Prince’s death, because princes tend to either die early, or last the entire match, and if they die early, the current suggestion would make the B/B only good at pointing fingers, which would put an instant target on their back for no good reason really.
I believe this would require much further discussion before being implemented. In the meanwhile, I believe that Bailiff and Bribed make an interesting, yet not overcomplicated twist to the regular game.
What do you guys think?