[Class Suggestion] Baron and Duke

This was concerning the a rework of the King I made in a feedback and suggestion thread.


And this was also inspired by the fact at which I noticed that there is a Royal in every class type except for Support. Well, this is it!

The whole point of the Baron is to be there so that he can take over for the King in case he is needed. Same goes for the Duke, but the Duke is for the Unseen. (Also matches the Duchess at last)


  • Added Entitlement Passive
  • Changed Entitlement Requirements
  • Removed Coup from Duke
  • Added Royal Loan ability to both Baron and Duke
  • Added Safeguard to Baron
  • Added Lockdown to Duke
  • Removed Safeguard and Lockdown
  • Changed Safeguard
  • Removed requirement for Entitlement
  • Added Kinship Ability to Baron
  • Added False Heir Ability to Duke
  • Re-added Coup to Duke
  • Edited Coup Ability

The Baron seems too OP to get a confirmed Bd King. Here is an example of what you say D1:

D1: I’m baron, CW barrier me, Paladin smite me and Sheriff scout me to get a confirmed bd King on D4. Protect me also.

It needs something to prevent this from being too easy.


There is also a royal Investigative


No royal special?

Cult Leader before they were Converted from a royal role.

No royal wildcard :wink:

Wildcard? What is that?

It used to be the fool and scorned’s class type.

And technically let’s just call the King a Royal Special lol

And @KyoDaz what sort of ideas would you have on making it harder to activate the Entitlement passive

I am not sure. It’s a hard one to think of. Rewarding him for becoming the King but without making it so Op that insta exe the Original King for.

Then what if he keeps his own abilities when ascending to thw throne alongside the King’s abilities? Like Guards and Decide Fate. That way, the starting King’s abilities will only ever be the starting King’s. But there’s more incentive to put Baron/Duke on the throne than other Royals.

Interesting idea, but wouldn’t the abilities go over the limit?

I made a reworked King in a feedback/suggestion thread, with that King, the one with no Allies, both Baron and Duke as King would have 2 day and 2 night abilities.

Bumping this thread, I made a lot of edits to the class, would like to see how people think of it now.

This includes you @Sheepish

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This is fine but make Prince immune to it.

This is also fine

As long as the person does not see if it worked or the Baron does not see it this is good.

This makes it so that when people elect the Duke/Baron as King they will be suspicious of the Royal Blood False Heir.

This confirms to Butlers and Drunks that there is a Duke. It should be slightly changed.

Kinship and False Heir don’t show, I wanted to make these classes something less confirmable and say that a person is now Royal Blood.

And yes, I should add that Prince’s Execution and Physician’s Reanimate are not included in Royal Loan.

However I’ll say this, Butlers, Drunks, Hunter, and Prince can’t even target the King so they can’t be redirected with Coup. This is meant to thwart Physicians, Alchemists, Observers, who could be on the King.

Okay, let’s check this again!

It’s okay that Kinship replaces the unuseable Allies ability. However, Royal Loan should not be maintained, seeing that king already has two day abilities which are very important to be taken out.

Seems like a good ability to me :slight_smile:. Especially considering the “Not included”.

So… as a king, why would you give someone Royal Blood? I mean, I can understand it being used as a last resort but…
Also, he can do two night actions in the game and then he is rendered useless at night? Doesn’t he have any unlimited uses ability or is that a work in progress?
I mean Kinship is a cool ability and could turn quite a few tables, nothing against it, just feel like he could use a second night ability with unlimited uses.

I gotta say I love the names lol

Why does the unseen counterpart have fewer uses of Royal Loan? It should be the same.

Also, I’d make False Heir and Kinship the same ability. No need to make it weaker on the BD side. I’d maintain the name Kinship and the False Heir description.

Other than that, seems good to me!

Sheepish, you should click the link at the top, it goes to a thread with a reworked King