So… BD wins to much. Also other stuff. SO we should add fool king
Day Fool King: Wins if executed, haunts one person that voted guilty
Night Fool King: Haunts whover killed him the next night.
Lore Coming soonTM
So… BD wins to much. Also other stuff. SO we should add fool king
Day Fool King: Wins if executed, haunts one person that voted guilty
Night Fool King: Haunts whover killed him the next night.
Lore Coming soonTM
oh, and I also need better names
Sorry no, this is the wrong solution.
The only reliable way for Blue Dragon to get rid of any problematic king is the Lynch.
This automatically means that making any neutral king that penalizes lynches is a really bad idea.
I have a solution on my own, and I heavily prefer it over this.
Although this might be the wrong way to reduce BD wins, this would be a GREAT class to reduce Day 2 King executions.
I would suggest some edits:
If executed, the castle can’t execute for the next 2 days (just like a normal fool)
No need to have it like this. Just Fool King is fine. Just find names for the abilities
Nope. That penalty is way too much for a king.
Fucking D2 king lynches
so fool king should be impleted
I was replying to TryphonX.
How about just 1 day of no executions if a BD King is executed?
ranting time
There’s already a Mad king being tested in Fol.
um no that one sucks
implying this one doesn’t
King gets lynched D2
there should be a penalty
The exact reason fool doesn’t kill a person in ToL whereas it does in ToS is because it should be a punishment to the Blue Dragon for executing the wrong person, making it a kill can help the Blue Dragon which incentivises Fool Kings to claim and be executed and get free wins that they should have to work for
also the kill your night killer is literally pointless as you’ve already lost
Its 2 diff kings BTW
OK, Bob, here is a question for you:
1.There is no Butler.
2.There is no alchemist who wants to kill the king
How on earth is the Blue Dragon supposed to get rid of the King if it starts to vote badly or even Decided the Fate of someone who was clearly and obviously bad/on someone who was proven innocent at the trial?
Right… Lynch. And what is bad?
… Lynch.
yeah no.
That’s why neutral kings never win.
The reason why neutral kings never win is that lynching Blue Dragon kings is not bad enough for BD.