Class- Advisor (could also be a noble rework)
Always spawn- No
Unique- Yes
Win requirements- The original king wins
Passive 1- dutiful- immune to occupation at night
Passive 2- Advisor- able to speak to the king at night (king and Advisor get an Advisor tab similar to prince/psychic)
Day ability 1- Whispers to and from you are unable to be seen for the day [1 charges]
Day ability 2- defile- make a player appear to be chosen class when they are executed [1 charge]
Night ability 1- peek -determine the faction of the target [3 charges]
Night ability 2- order- disable a targets ability to vote the following day.
If a player spawns as Advisor, the king will see an icon next to their name showing they are the Advisor. Nobody else can see the icon just king. The point of the Advisor is to make being king a little less overwhelming and a little more fun as you know you have somebody on your side no matter what. The Advisor will not know what alignment the king has but it will obviously be easy for king to tell him N1. The advisors goal is for the king to win (not to survive, to win. Dead king can still win). The Advisor helps the king in several ways but in 2 main ways: 1- the Advisor gets 3 peeks. 3 chances to find allies of the king. The Advisor can potentially help an evil king out by locating an unseen or cult if he’s lucky and telling king who it is and having 1 opportunity during the day to secretly notify the unseen/cult member that king is an ally. The other significant way the Advisor helps the king is the 1 defile he gets. If king is having trouble with leads, the Advisor can defile somebody who the Advisor can make appear evil so that trigger happy BD will slow their role. Also makes it so that the evil king can off one BD without being outed as evil. I think this will make being king a lot less stressful and a lot more fun and it’s not OP because the abilities are limited.