The Actor (Neutral Social)
Economic interests: You need to get 12 gold coins to win. You win gold coins with your abilities.
Day abilities:
Seduce: If you perform for a female tonight you will get 1 extra gold coin. (Unlimited)
Crossdress: If you perform for a male tonight you will get 1 extra gold coin. (Unlimited)
Night abilities:
Perform: Entertain a player tonight. Win 1 gold coin if you are successful. (Unlimited)
Last play: Entertain everyone that visits you. You will be immune to death. At the end of the night, if you dont have enough gold coins to win, you take your own life. (1 use) Tragic
Win condition: Survive to get 12 gold coins.
Random social class with its own agenda, you want to pay atention to the claims, to get good use of your day abilities, and maybe get some atention lategame to close the game with Last play.
Thinking about a new effect for Perform, got a few ideas:
- When he performs for a player, that player cant target him, or they will be prevented from visiting him for the rest of the game.
- Perform can occupy the targeted player.
- Perform frames the targeted player.
- Perform gives extra gold if you perform for a player with Royal Blood.
- You are immune to most harmful efects effects while visiting.