• Average BD Player
Passive 1:
Life - when you are attack then you will die
Passive 2:
Common sense - you can only vote up BD players
Day ability 1:
Not me - when clicked you will instantly say “Evil King!” (Only can be used on trail) (Unlimited uses)
Day ability 2:
Rage Quit - when clicked your TOL will crash. (1 use)
Night ability 1:
Again… - instantly be prevented. (Unlimited uses)
Night ability 2:
What game again - when clicked a new tab will open to TOS (0 uses)
Win con - keep your insanity
• Average Unseen Player
Passive 1:
Logs - Your logs will change to the poorest knight logs, you also cannot edit your logs
Passive 2:
Makes sense - when converted you will instantly be voted up on trial the next day.
Day ability 1:
Why me - you will be jailed tonight, there is no limit to how many times you can be jailed (Unlimited uses)
Day ability 2:
Mega Rage Quit - when clicked you will be banned from TOL for cheating (1 use)
Night ability 1:
Not Again… - The Unseens MM will be attacked tonight bypassing any healing or night immunity (Unlimited uses)
Night ability 2:
My luck - All investigator classes will be targeted to you tonight. (Regardless if you select this or not this night ability will take effect) (unlimited uses)
Win con - completely blow it for your team
If you have any ideas for abilities or passive please tell me. I also want to know if this class is too OP. NK and neut classes coming soon
If you have any ideas for abilities or passive please tell me. I also want to know if this class is too OP