The Butcher
Blue Dragon Killer
Passive (Invincible) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Day Ability (Sharing Is Caring) - Find out if a player is a Special/Investigative class type.(Infinite Uses)
Day Ability (Protect) - Protect your target from attacks and conversions.(4 Uses - Locked until you find a Special/Investigative class type - You will be notified if you protected any attacks and conversions.)Night Ability (Personal Guard) - “Guard” your target. If your target finds a member of The Unseen/The Cult , you will kill them. (Infinite Uses - Your target will not be Death Immune/Conversion Immune - You will be seen as visiting two people if your target finds a member of The Unseen/The Cult - Unlocked after you find a Special/Investigative class type)
Night Ability (Massacre) - Everyone visiting your target will die.(1 Use - Unlocked after you find a Special/Investigative class type)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek you harm.Converts into:
The Chef
Unseen Investigative
Passive (Invincible) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Day Ability (Scouting the Castle) - Find if a player is an ally or not.(Infinite Uses - Neutrals count as allies. - CAN Target the King)
Day Ability (Glory) - Make The Unseen appear not suspicious tonight.(2 Uses)Night Ability (Frame) - Make a player appear as a member of The Unseen to The Sheriff/The Observer and as Killer/Offensive to The Princess.(3 Uses)
Night Ability (Roasted) - If a member of The Unseen gets attacked , you will die instead of them.(1 Use)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.
The Archer
Blue Dragon Investigative
Day Ability (Fire Arrows) - Prevents visits against you tonight. If someone visits you , you will learn the type of classes that visit you.(3 Uses - You won’t Learn How Many Types of a class visit you)
Day Ability (Poison Arrows) - Expose a player to Nightshade.(2 Uses)Night Ability (Expose Arrows) - Everytime you use this , you will learn more about your target.(Infinite Uses - 1st Expose Arrow : Your target is a Special/Investigative , Support/Social , Killer/Offensive class | 2nd Expose Arrow : Your Target is a member of the The Blue Dragon/The Unseen/The Cult. | 3rd Expose Arrow : Learn your target’s exact class.)
Night Ability (Last Arrow) - Announce a player about who visits you tonight.(1 Use)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek you harm.Converts into:
The Bandit
Unseen Social
Passive (Identity Thief) - You will get the feedback of your abilities’ target.
Day Ability (Marked) - Make a player unable to vote today.(2 Uses)
Day Ability (Deadly Cuts) - The Assassin’s next use of Nightshade can not be healed.(1 Use)Night Ability (Blackmail) - Silence a player tomorrow.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Shady) - Steal a charge of a player’s ability.(Infinite Uses - They will not be notified)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.