The Candlemaker
Blue Dragon Investigative
Passive (Candle’s Scent) - All players visiting you when you Meditate will be given a Candle.
Day Ability (Candle of Hope) - Make a player Immune to Death & Conversion tonight.(1 Use - Can NOT Target Yourself or The King)
Day Ability (Meditate) - You will become Immune To Death tonight. You can not be Framed.(2 Uses)Night Ability (Light the Candles) - You will see who visits the players who have a Candle.(Infinite Uses)
^ Optional : You will only see the visitors and not who they visited.
Night Ability (Stalk) - Stalk a player to see who they visit. If they have a Candle they will become Conversion Immune.(2 Uses)
Goal: The Blue Dragon’s Goal.Converts into:
The Lighter
Unseen Support
Passive (Pyromaniac) - All players you visit and all players visiting you will be marked with Fire. Players non-marked with Fire will be marked with Fire if they visit a player that has already been marked. You will know who is marked with Fire. The Unseen can not be marked with Fire.
Passive (Phoenix) - You will appear as not suspicious the next night you are investigated. (Unless you are occupied)Day Ability (Torch of Hope) - Make a player Immune to Death tonight.(1 Use - Can Target Self)
Night Ability (Light The Torches) - Put out all the torches in a players’ room. Everyone visiting them will be occupied. They will lose the mark of Fire if they had one and they can only get marked again after 1 night.(3 Uses)
Night Ability (Time for Ignition!) - Light up all the players that are marked with Fire. Bypasses Night Immunity. (1 Use - Only usable if there are more than 9 people alive , including The Unseen)
Goal: The Unseen’s Goal.
I don’t have any ideas for the convert so feedback is welcome!