Back story - the chosen one is a cult member that has been chosen to go on and complete the demons job. Gaining more power ever time he learns more knowledge
Name - chosen one(thinking of better name)
Faction - Neutral investigative
Passive 1 - hard worker - may use both day abilities during one day
Day Ability 1 - Demons eye - send the demon to go spy on your target, knowing who they visit tonight and the following night - starts at 0 uses but gains more with quick learner ability. Read below.
Day Ability 2 - Quick learner - pick on a character and try to guess their class
- only one time per day - unlimited uses
- when you guess a players class correctly then you gain a small buff(listed below)
- cannot guess a dead players class or a player that has been on trial
Buffs rewarded:
Converted versons give the same;
- Obs or Assassin - gain 4 uses of demon eyes
- Butler or Drunk - occupy immune
- Phys or Alch - Bled/poison immune
- Inquis or Knight - death immune during the night once
- NK - death immunity during the night
- MM or CL - Learn who the Royals are
- Princess or Noble - You will gain more demon eye uses.
- Prince - Learn the identity of the harmful neuts (NK and neutral social)
- Psychic or CW - can hear dead during the night.
- Sheriff or Paladin - Learn who the Unseen/Cult are
- Fool or Scorned - find out all neutrals except NK
- Merc - Learn the classes of anyone contracted to a merc
- Starting Seeker counts as princess, Starting invoker counts as Butler and starting ritualist as Phys
- this suggestion was made by ** @NuclearBurrito**
Night ability 1 - lots and lots of makeup - flirt with a player of your choice and know One thing about them (healer/protector,killer,magic user,investigator, master at communication, disturber)
Healer/protector- alch,phys,knight,merc,CW
investigator - sheriff,princess,paladin,observor
Magic user - CW,psychic,sorcerer,inquisitor
Killer - any NK,prince,hunter,CL,Assassin,merc
Disturber - butler,drunk
Magic of communication - fool,psychic,scorn
Also all converted classes and cult classes are added also
Night ability 2 - entity’s vision - select 3 players and it will tell you how many of them players are evil. Example: “2 of the three players are evil” -if there is not enough players then this ability will be disabled -(3 uses)
Win condition - survive to see the BD fall