[Class Suggestion] The Fortune teller

The Fortune teller - Blue Dragon
The art could look something like this

Day ability : Blasphemy! ( 1 Use)
Once a player is on trial, determine if they are a part of the unseen/Cult or not.
Results :
Bounty is a part of the unseen!
John Williams is not a part of the unseen!

Day abilities 2 : Spiritual consultation
Select a player this Day Phase, you will receive notification at the beginning of the Night Phase of everyone who used an ability, but not which abilities.

Night ability 1 : Protection!
You are going to see that this player is going to get converted, warning them and giving them immunity to being converted this night.

**Night ability 2 : Findings **
Find convertible and nonconvertible roles

FortuneTeller checks Ivo - Not Convertable (Could be Sheriff, Prince, Alchemist, Mastermind, etc)
FortuneTeller checks Henry - Convertable (Would open up the use for Protection)

Goal : Defeat the unseen/Cult and any Nuetrals that seek to do you harm.

Night Room : (Something like this) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d3/31/66/d331663d676b4fb9e4f9e54f1d912a33.jpg


The Oracle

Night ability 1: Wrong results
Choose a player, this night if they get investigated they will be seen as the unseen/Cult

Day abilities 1: Fate (2 uses)
You will be notified on who the prince jailed tonight.

Goal : Defeat the Blue Dragon and any Nuetrals seek to do you harm**

Oracle’s a good name.

I don’t see the need for another Unseen counter though.

It’s not necessarily a counter for the unseen/Cult. You can find evil Nuetrals which I think is a good ability.
Also, can you tell me your opinion on the abilities ?

Seems Weak imo

How so? I think the role is decent enough.

Uh, the game normally already does that?

You misunderstood, you use the ability when the player is getting lynched and voted. Not executed. That’s why it has a one use ability because you can find out if the princess claims are true or not or any other roles that claims they didn’t get converted etc…

Change the wording then lel, it should be “Once they are on trial”, cause lynching is after they are found guilty and is being killed.

Also, only the king can use day abilities when people are on trial, but y’know, they could change that

Day ability : Blasphemy! ( 1 Use)
Once a player is on trial, determine if they are a part of the unseen/Cult or not.
Results :
Bounty is a part of the unseen!
John Williams is not a part of the unseen!

This is interesting, because you would probably need to work with someone like a Princess who found a “Killing” role, and the Prince wouldn’t need to reveal. Just ask “Do we have a Fortune Teller to check this?” and it would also be among the only roles to get an ability during a trial, the other being Prince

Day abilities 2 : Spiritual consultation
Select a player this day phase, if any day abilities is used on them you will be notified.

I imagine this is something you’d have to initiate this at the start of any day, but I also find this too weak. I would change this a little.
Select a player this Day Phase, you will receive notification at the beginning of the Night Phase of everyone who used an ability, but not which abilities.

Just knowing when an ability is used seems weak

Night ability 1 : Protection!
You are going to see that this player is going to get converted, warning them and giving them immunity to being converted this night.

This might need a little more description, because the way it’s worded right now seems like the Fortune Teller will know who’s getting converted every night, which seems powerful. Unless you mean “You are going to check to see if this player is going to be converted” otherwise, that’s fine.

Night ability 2 : Findings ( 2 Uses)
Determine if a player has evil intentions or not
Results :
James Russell has evil intentions!
Jones James does not have evil intentions.

I feel like this is basically Sheriff for every evil role rather than just Unseen. I would tweak it a little. You stated “while not giving away their roles” but it wouldn’t matter. The way I would alter this is instead of finding Evil Intentions, have it find Convertible roles for use of Protection, otherwise you could end up using Protection on Sheriff or Prince or even NK.

It’s a good Class suggestion overall, just some things I would change about it to make it a little more useful to itself.

“You are going to check to see if this player is going to be converted” otherwise, that’s fine.

Select a player this Day Phase, you will receive notification at the beginning of the Night Phase of everyone who used an ability, but not which abilities.

this is what i meant but english is not my first language so i will have to rephrase those.

I feel like this is basically Sheriff for every evil role rather than just Unseen. I would tweak it a little. You stated “while not giving away their roles” but it wouldn’t matter. The way I would alter this is instead of finding Evil Intentions, have it find Convertible roles for use of Protection, otherwise you could end up using Protection on Sheriff or Prince or even NK.

actually it’s different than sheriff and all the other roles because even the fool’s results will say he has evil intentions and that’s the fun part of it. players will have to analyze how the player has been playing and if he’s a fool or not. also i do not get the last part.

“The way I would alter this is instead of finding Evil Intentions, have it find Convertible roles for use of Protection, otherwise you could end up using Protection on Sheriff or Prince or even NK.”


FortuneTeller checks Ivo - Not Convertable (Could be Sheriff, Prince, Alchemist, Mastermind, etc)
FortuneTeller checks Henry - Convertable (Would open up the use for Protection)