The Ghost
Neutral Special
Passive (Afterlife) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection. Immune to Death at Night.
Passive (Afterlife) - Can’t talk during they day & can’t vote.Can’t write in LOGS. If The Ghost is killed , it will affect the killer(& his faction).Day Ability (Dead Connection) - Open a portal connecting the dead world with the living world. You will be able to talk for the rest of the day.(2 Uses - This doesn’t affect dead players , only YOU can talk BUT you still can’t vote.)
Day Ability (Contact From The Grave) - Talk to a player tonight privately. If the living player dies , you will get their class , with some additional effects improving their class. (Infinite Uses - Must contact a player until D3.)Night Ability (Deadly Enemy) - Make a player(besides the one that you are talking to) target another player.(3 Uses - Bypasses Redirection Immunity)
Night Ability (Scare) - Prevent all visits against your contacted player. (Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Remember) - Remember a dead contacted player’s class.Punishments for your killers & their factions
Killers: Butler[Nightshade Wine] , Hunter[Wolf Companion] , Prince[Execute] , Assassin[Assassinate] , Reaper[Reap] , King[Order Execution]Punishments: Butler - Will no longer be able to use “Concentrated Wine” and may get incorrect feedback from their abilities , Hunter - Will lose 1 charge of Every Ability , Prince - Can no longer Execute , Assassin - Will not be able to kill for 2 nights and will not be able to use "2-1" , Reaper - Will not be able to Use “Icy Touch” & "Gather Darkness" , King - Will not be able to Use “Order Execution” & loses a charge of "Guards!"
When The Ghost is executed in The Court: There will be only 1 Trial per day for the rest of the game.
Effects gained upon getting a contacted player’s that just died class :
Butler - (Expert in Winery) Every other Night your abilities will bypass Occupation Immunity & you will get an extra charge of “Concentrated Wine”.
Court Wizard - (Self-Helper) You will get an extra charge of “Clear Mind” and “Tornado”. “Clear Mind” can be used on yourself.
Drunk - (Realization) If you debauch a player into you , you will get Night Immunity(If you get attacker). “Happy Hour” now tells you if you have got rid of Occupy Immunities.
Hunter - (Deadly Nature) “Wolf Companion” now instantly kills targets.
Knight - (Second Chance) You will live after killing one member of Blue Dragon BUT if you kill another one , you will take your own life as well.
Mystic - (The Thinker) “Private Matter” & “Telepathy” gain one extra charge. “Conduit” will lose a charge but you can allow 3 players to talk at night. You will be able to hear them and talk to them.
Noble - (Loyalty) All Abilities receive one more charge.
Observer - (Closer Look)“Window Peek” now tells you the player’s exact class.
Paladin - (Help From Above) Your Abilities’ Results can’t be tempered with. (Frame , Brotherhood etc)
Physician - (A Secret Investigator) Successfully healing a player identifies their killer.
Prince - (Hold on!) Targets can be jailed one more night.(4 Nights)
Princess - (Inspection) Will-of-Wisp now tells you who the target attacked.
Sheriff - (Master) Your findings will be announced to the court daily.Alcoholic - (Surprise) Your Debauchery’s second target will be occupied.
Assassin - (Experienced Killer) Your Poison can’t be healed. Your “2-1” Ability will fail if either target is healed,Immune or you are prevented from visiting them. You will keep your “2-1” Ability and it will be used when 2 kills have been secured.
Aristocrat - (Royalty) You can no longer be Occupied.
Duchess - (Treachery) Your investigative target will show up as Unseen to the Sheriff & Observer.
Enforcer - (Hired) If you prevent an attacker from visiting your Unseen Members , you will kill them.(Bypassess Night Immunity , Can’t Protect from King’s “Order Execute” or Prince’s “Execute”)
Herbalist - (The Court “Healer”) The First player that you defile will have their logs deleted.
Illusionist - (3rd Dimension) Your “Mind Warp” ability can no longer be protected from The Court Wizard.
Marshal - (Secret Finder) You can temper with your target’s logs. When they die , they will show your fake logs instead of theirs.
Mastermind - (Old Detective) Your first convert can not be protected by The Court Wizard.
Nightwatch - (Little Angel) You will see who visits The Unseen.
Poacher - (Toxic Traps) Your Snare Traps can kill the player if they left their room.(Doesn’t Bypass Night Immunity)
Sage - (Trickery) Your Tornadoes swap the Investigative results of players.
Servant - (Poison Wine) When you use “Concentrated Wine” , you will kill all visiting players.Apostle - (Spy with My Little Eye) Whispers can be read by all Cult Members when using Cult Spy.
Cult Leader - (Devoted) You are Immune To Occupation & Redirection.
Invoker - (Monstrous Person) You will make a player looks as Cult to the Paladin & Observer.
Ritualist - (True Cultist) If The Cult Leader targets only 1 player with “Eradicate” , you will guarantee that kill.
Seeker - (Demonic Eyes) You gain an extra charge for all your abilities.Alchemist - (Experienced Chemist) Your “Emerald Potion” ability will cause Bleeding to the Target if the Target is Immune To Death.
Fool - (Mercy) All abilities against you will be “Prevented”.
Inquisitor - (Clarity) You are forever Immune at Night.
Mercenary - (Second Guard) You will be Immune at Night while Protecting the King.
Possessor - (Invisible Master) Your visits will be hidden.
Reaper - (Lord of Death) Tempers with a reaped player’s class.
Scorned - (The Truth) Your target’s abilities will receive incorrect feedback.
Sellsword - (Staring Eyes) When you use “Intimidate” , you will be Immune at Night.
Sorcerer - (Spell Caster) Your “Circle of Death” will have different effects on the target person , depending on their class. ( Offensive classes will get “Occupied” , Killer classes will target the king , Support classes will target themselves and Investigative classes will receive incorrect feedback.)
If you “contact” a player N1 and that player gets Executed during the day , you will get their class at the beginning of the night.
If you “contact” a player N1 and that player gets killed at night , you get their role the next day.
Do I win if I don’t remember any classes? Yes , as long as one of your contacts is alive.
The Ghost can NOT see Dead Chat.
Goal : Contacted player wins/survives or remember a role and fulfill it’s win condition.
Goal(The “Ghost” Fool) : Get yourself publicly executed.