[Class Suggestion] The Ghost

The Ghost (Neutral/Dead) -
As soon as a player dies, they become a ghost. These players will have certain things they can do during the day and night phases. Say for example that they were killed by a Blue Dragon Killing role, they can haunt that person and this make it so that 3% of the time that they speak, it will come out as a Troll Box message that you choose.

Day Ability 1:
[PASSIVE] Can speak among the dead players.

Day Ability 2 (Optional):
[PASSIVE, If killed by own team, if Night Ability 1 was used] If killed by a Blue Dragon Killing role, they can choose whether or not to haunt that player the following day, 3% of the time that player speaks, it will come out as a Troll Box message that you choose…

Night Ability 1:
[IF KILLED BY OWN TEAM] Choose if you want to haunt that player for the rest of the game. If so, the Day Ability 2 applies.

Night Ability 2 (Optional)
Can Speak amongst the dead.

[No lore suggested, the lore I had there was trash]

v1.21 Edited the criteria on Night Ability 1 and Day Ability 2 (25th April 2017)
v1.22 Edited the Possible Help Cries to be a Troll Box sorta thing (25th April 2017)
v1.23 Edited the edits thing so it is only the 3 previous, updated summary (25th April 2017)


I don’t like how it allows for meddling…

I’d tolerate it if it was a Neutral Killer, but as literally every dead person can do it, that sounds messed up.

true… Also the percentages are too high in my opinion now.
Thanks for the feedback, otherwise, I would’ve forgotten about this class suggestion.

Also, maybe a copy of the troll box ability is better than the random messages

It is only if you were killed by your own team.

Sorry, I didn’t get that part.
(Was that a recent update?)

It seems like gamethrowing to hijack your own team.

er… I kinda… dont… like… this… role…


Yeah, I don’t know why I came up with this role…

you can use it in Upick at least :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t use Explicit RNG. Make it trigger when he is put on the stand for any reason.

Seven Months man

fucking read dates

Just realised that was 19 days ago

Whatever my point still stands