Mystic (Blue Dragon Investigative)
Day Ability 1: Empowered Mind
Enhance the power of your visions. (2 uses) (Gives more detailed information on the person in your vision)
Day Ability 2 (Optional): Focused Mind
Twice the amount of power in your visions (2 uses) (Allows the Mystic to select 2 people to find visions on.)
Night Ability 1: Seek Visions
Open someone’s mind to you allowing you to find something about them.
Possible non-empowered Visions:
Non-Empowered Visions
“1 does not have a passive.”
“1 has immunity to something.”
“1 has not been targeted by a day ability.”
“1 has not been visited on night (number)”
“1 has been visited recently by a (class type) class type.”
More can be added in suggestions.
Empowered visions:
Empowered Visions
“1 is immune to (immunity)"
“1 has (number) passives”
“1 has been visited by a (class) class”
“1 has visited you (number) time(s)”
“1 has witnessed death.” (If the person has visited someone on the night of their death)
“1 is loyal/not loyal to anyone” (Assassin, Mercenary, Prince, Princess, Butler and all Cultists are loyal.)
“1 has been visited recently by a (class)”
More can be added with suggestions.
Seer (Unseen Offensive)
- Day Ability 1: Cursed Mind (3 uses)
The Person that you Uncover Secrets with will suffer from a chosen effect. (Menu will show like Herbalist but the class you click on will determine what will happen. Eat. You were occupied if you click on Butler or you were redirected to (Seer) and be given the results of the person he chose. Choosing merc will make them believe to be unable to be visited)
Day Ability 2 (Optional): Crooked Visions (2 uses)
The Person that you Uncover Secrets with will believe to have been poisoned the day after at a chosen time in the day by reactivating this ability. (This ability needs work. Looking for suggestions on to fixing it.)
Night Ability 1: Uncover Secrets
Select one person to learn 2 empowered visions about them.
Suggestions on how to make the class better will be greatly appreciated.
List of classes of what
will do to the target:
Cursed Mind Effects
The Alchemist - Target would have believe to be attacked but healed.
The Butler - Target would have been believed to be Occupied and will fail to receive a night message but the action will still work. (Ect. If you were Knight and CSed the Assassin it would still CS the assassin but you would have believe to have been occupied.)
The Court Wizard - You will have appeared to have been redirected to a random person but you were not. (Ect. Sheriff checks 11 and 11 is Unseen, but they got swapped to 9 and 9 is BD but 9 would appear Unseen. Vice Verse for Blue Dragon being checked but the Sheriff got redirected to an Unseen and would believe the Unseen is NS.
The Drunk - The same as the CW just the redirect is always confirmed to be redirected to you.
The Fool - Make the target appear suspicious to investigators.
The Hunter - Make the target believe to have been wolved.
The Knight - Can’t think of anything.
The Mercenary - Make the target believe they were prevented from visiting the target.
The Noble - Can’t think of anything.
The Observer - Can’t think of anything.
The Physician - Same as Alchemist
The Princess - Your target will be send a wilo-wisp, showing all visitors to you to you and them.
The Scorned - Same as Fool
The Sheriff - Can’t think of anything.
All converted classes will do the same thing as their original BD class. Any other class missing will do nothing.
The only thing I can find bad about it is the Complexity for new players, but I don’t think it would be that hard to understand.