[Class Suggestion] The Parasite

The Parasite (Neutral Special) -Unique

Passive 1 : Lie in Wait
If you are the starting Parasite , you cannot use any abilities if you’ve passed it on to someone else.
Passive 2 : Hardened
You are conversion immune.
Day Ability: Mutation
You will be night immune. (1 use)

Night Ability 1: Different Infection
Give somebody else the Parasite class.(Unlimited)


If you are the starting Parasite , it is to survive without having the infection on you. If you are not the starting parasite , then it is to get rid of the Parasite class.

Please keep in mind i am a noob , any ideas on how to improve this class are greatly appreciated.

A few questions:

  1. “Without having the infection on you” What infection?
  2. “Then it is to get rid of the parasite class” How would you get rid of the class as a parasite?

Thank you for these questions

1.“Without having the infection on you” refers to using your first night ability (giving someone else the class) so you must survive without anybody giving the Parasite class back to you.

  1. Using your first night ability , although i should’ve probably elaborated. "Then it is to get rid of the Parasite class, and acheive your previous class’s goal.

Okay, but if you’re the starting parasite, you can’t get a prev class, right? So if you are the starting one, why even use the night ability? You wouldn’t get infected so you wouldn’t lose

You are infected by default. however i am not sure if i should just keep it as is , or make another class for the parasite to go to when they change it.

:thinking: You’ve got me thinking

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to Execute whoever has the infection? Also why would you want to infect the starting parasite? Yes that second one needs a reason because otherwise you would just out yourself.

Also you would want to use your Ability as late as possible giving it less time to be sent back to you. Just saying.

Well you’d have to find out who had the infection first. If the Prince got it , I don’t think BD would want to use an exe like that.

And yes , but it is risky, because the more you hold on to it , the more likely you are to lose.(Dying at night etc.)

(I hope i interpreted these questions right gosh this class has flaws)