This role was partially inspired by psychoneirik’s Accused. The Senex is a neutral who has a varied goal of either requiring the BD faction to win, ergo siding with them, or requiring them to lose, thus allowing him to side with either the Unseen/Cult or the Neutral Killer. The main idea behind the Senex is that since he is automatically confirmed via Teachings, but only himself knows his alignment then he must be dealt with social deduction and social deduction only. If he ends up being aligned with the Blue Dragon and is executed on trial or by the Prince, then the faction will pay heavy penalties for it. However his abilities allow him far more potential then only a vote and if evil he must be dealt with as soon as possible.
The Senex
Neutral Support
Mentorship (Passive) - The Senex is immune to death at night and will have a 50-50 chance of starting aligned with the Blue Dragon or against them. If the Senex is aligned with the Blue Dragon, then he will lose his night immunity after the third night.
Beloved Mentor (Passive) - If the Senex wins with the Blue Dragon, his attributes will be:
- If he is executed on trial, then all Blue Dragon-aligned players who did not vote for a pardon will be occupied in the coming night and will have their immunity to occupation bypassed.
- If he is killed by a Blue Dragon-aligned killing role, excluding the Prince, then they will die of guilt.
- If he is killed by the Prince, the Prince will lose all of their executions.
- If he is executed by the King, then the King will die of guilt if he is also a member of the Blue Dragon.
Teachings (Day) - Hides the user’s whispers for the day. - Infinite uses
Mind Reader (Day) - Learns the target player’s alignment. If they are not Blue Dragon then the Senex learns of their exact class. Can only be used if the Senex is against the Blue Dragon and can be used in the same day along Teachings. - Infinite uses
Traditional Herbs (Night) - Heals a player, preventing them from dying to night and cures poison and bleeding. The target player will also be seen as a member of the Blue Dragon to faction checks. Cannot be used on the same player two nights in a row and can be used on the user. - Infinite uses
Ancient Tonic (Night) - Causes the targeted player to be night and occupy immune for the current night allows them to bypass healing, night immunity, occupation immunity, and redirection immunities. - 1 use
Has a random goal of either A) See the Blue Dragon win or B) See the Blue Dragon defeated.
- Neutral, survival, you know the drill with Mentorship. The BD-aligned Senex loses night immunity so scum can counter him.
- Beloved Mentor is needed as without harsh penalties for executing a BD-aligned Senex, people will obviously throw social deduction away in favor of Neuts Out.
- As much as I hate easy confirmation, Teachings is necessary as the entire point of the class is to deduce the proven Senex’s alignment, and also helps coordinate with evils. Adding fakeclaiming here would just complicate issues and Senex fakeclaims would be a pain to get rid of due to the risks associated with executing a real one.
- Mind Reader is used to find allies for his night abilities. Both night abilties should be usable in the same day to prevent the court from demanding the Senex to always use Teachings to prevent using Mind Reader.
- Both his primary and secondary night abilities have effects of similar strength to scum and BD alike, allowing him to support well regardless of his alignment.