The Vampire
Neutral Killer
Passive (Bloodlust) You are immune to death, occupation and target changing at night. Coldsteel and Smite will bypass your death immunity.
Passive (Pallor) - Your skin is unnaturally cold and pale.
Night Ability (Leech) - Heal yourself and bleed a player, inflicting them with Pallor. They will not be notified and die in one night unless healed. If they are immune to bleeding, you will know their exact class. (Infinite uses)
Night Ability (Feast) - Attack a player and heal yourself. (2 uses)
Goal: Defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen and any neutrals who seek to do you harm. You can win with the Cult.
Test Faith will inform the Paladin if a player is afflicted with Pallor, even if that person were only just bitten.