Blue Dragon Special
Passive: One of a Kind - If converted to the cult your Ability’s will be unchanged.Day Ability 1: Spyglass - Learn target player’s faction at the end of the day. (1 use)
Day Ability 2: Surgery - Heal target player tonight. Does not cure poison or bleeding. Can target self. (2 uses)Night Ability 1: Showcase - Occupy target player. (2 uses)
Night Ability 2: Flintlock - Kill target player. (1 use)
Unseen Special
Day Ability 1: Camera - Learn target player’s class at the end of the day. (1 use)
Day Ability 2: Surgery - Heal target player tonight. Does not cure poison or bleeding. Can target self. (2 uses)Night Ability 1: Showcase - Occupy target player. (2 uses)
Night Ability 2: Cloak - Target player’s Ability’s don’t count as visits tonight. They appear to be on the opposite faction to Investigators (Neutrals appear Unseen) (1 use)
This is my take on a ToL JOAT. Some of the Ability’s are 2 shot as per ToL always being stronger than FM roles.