[Class Suggestion] Tinkerer/Inventor

Tinkerer :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Passive: One of a Kind - If converted to the cult your Ability’s will be unchanged.

Day Ability 1: Spyglass - Learn target player’s faction at the end of the day. (1 use)
Day Ability 2: Surgery - Heal target player tonight. Does not cure poison or bleeding. Can target self. (2 uses)

Night Ability 1: Showcase - Occupy target player. (2 uses)
Night Ability 2: Flintlock - Kill target player. (1 use)

Inventor :shield:

Unseen Special

Day Ability 1: Camera - Learn target player’s class at the end of the day. (1 use)
Day Ability 2: Surgery - Heal target player tonight. Does not cure poison or bleeding. Can target self. (2 uses)

Night Ability 1: Showcase - Occupy target player. (2 uses)
Night Ability 2: Cloak - Target player’s Ability’s don’t count as visits tonight. They appear to be on the opposite faction to Investigators (Neutrals appear Unseen) (1 use)

This is my take on a ToL JOAT. Some of the Ability’s are 2 shot as per ToL always being stronger than FM roles.


I was looking for some “Special” Blue Dragon and I would say it’s pretty neat. :slight_smile:

But i need to say somethin’ about few things. Surgery seems to be extremely underpowered. I know he’s able to do something than just healing but i’m pretty sure changing into standard heal would make this class sort of broken.

With Cloak it’s a same story and with only one use it would be very hard to use it properly.

Nonetheless i would to see „Handyman” in real action.

He’s Jack of all trades. None of his Ability’s are really that strong. However he has 4 of them all of which are useful in various situations.

Basically he’s a budget something. He fills a gap when one appears but the specialists are better at any given thing he does. (Obs has 2 faction checks rather than just 1. Knight has unlimited omniscient kills. Phys has unlimited heals and cures bleeding and Butler has unlimited Occupys and drunk can do it through immunitys.) However he can do so meny things that he can furfill a lot of roles at the same time.


I don’t think Flintlock should be able to kill unconditionally and immediately. Especially since the cult convert keeps the kill. The rest looks good. An idea is to add some unlimited weak ability once all ability charges are used up, so he can remain active. I know Hunter is a similar case, but he is discouraged more to do something every night, since it is either his only defense or he has to know an evil. Hunter also has at least 5 nights, before he runs out, whereas this one has 3 nights only.

One of the weakest converts.

Jack of all trades. Needs more trades

Pretty good. For you that is.


No problem. But why the question mark?

Because it is a question. Duh

But why was it a question?

Because I wanted to know the answer.


What answer?

The answer to the question. Duh

There wasn’t a question.

Then what are you complaining about?


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