Class suggestions Apprentice (reworked)


Type - Investigator
Faction - Neutral

my favorite classes to come up with are Neutral. Mostly because they offer a larger veritity of option and some very unique win cons. This class has a simple win con but adds some depth to it.

Passive 1:
Half dead - You are death immune once

Passive 2:
Known allies - if any evil doer (NK/Cult/Unseen) visits you then you will know who they are and what class they are. You will also become death immune that night

Day ability 1:
Mimic - pick a player, you can use their primary ability tonight (the ability on the left) (unlimited uses) if the player is a unique or special class then you will become death immune that night and will be alerted. Can not target the same player more then 3 times

Night ability 1:
New toys - the ability that you mimicked this morning will be the ability that takes this night abilities place.

Win con - you win if any other faction except bd wins

Questions that you could answer for this class:

1 - will this be a good class to play along with in the game?
2 - will you have fun playing this class?
3 - do you think this class is too overpowered or too underpowered?
4 - do you think this class will change the game in a positive or negative way?

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Looks interesting, but what’s the wincon? :smiley:

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Totally forgot it. Good catch!

Btw you need a night ability slot for using the ability obtained from the day ability

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Otherwise it seems cool

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I like it!

One thing I’d like to propose is that it’s a Unique class that replaces the Sellsword. That is, games with Apprentice don’t have Sellsword and viceversa (though there might be games with neither). I just think having the potential of both being in the same game alonside possible Evil King makes things a bit too skewed against BD.

Other than that,

  1. Yeah!
  2. Absolutely!
  3. Tough to tell at a glance, possibly a bit underpowered with a conditional death immunity and a reduced pool of options for Mimic as players die.
  4. I think it might give weight to Neuts Out adherents, but it might add a layer of complexity and decisionmaking ultimately beneficial for the game.
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1 - will this be a good class to play along with in the game?

It does work for a good solo class. It has decent investigative potentials along with strong offensive ones that can help the class find allies and throw a wrench at BD’s plans.

2 - will you have fun playing this class?

It reminds me a lot of my favorite class from ToS, so of course I’ll likely have fun playing it.

3 - do you think this class is too overpowered or too underpowered?

Right now I’d say underpowered. The night immunity right now is far too conditional and would be useless in keeping the user alive. Personally I’d just change his goals to having BD lose either regardless if he survives or not, ala the Sellsword.

4 - do you think this class will change the game in a positive or negative way?

Yes. This would add more room for NKs and the evil factions in general and this class is quite balanced power-wise.

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Don’t let the day ability work on special classes btw

  1. I think it might give weight to Neuts Out adherents, but it might add a layer of complexity and decisionmaking ultimately beneficial for the game.

The main reason behind the Neuts Out meta was because since the King had basically a 4-use Peek, then the NKs would just claim benign neutrals like the Alchemist or a winning Scorned to not get executed. Adding more evil neutrals without adding Allies back wouldn’t bring that meta back.


Here’s an in-depth review for this class.

Passive 1:
Half dead - You are death immune on nights where 2 or more players are murdered

As before, far too situational to be useful. I’d add something like a one-shot immunity such as the Inquisitor instead of it, especially since the core ability for this class is a day ability.

Day ability 1:
Mimic - pick a player, you can use their primary ability tonight (the ability on the left) (unlimited uses) if it is prince, then you may kill someone that night. Can not target the same player more then 3 times

Seems fine. I’d suggest a few limitations/changes:

  1. Obviously conversions are out of the question for the sake of balance.
  2. In order to keep the KPN consistent, Killer roles can only be mimicked one time.
  3. Hunters should be an exception to the primary ability and the Mimic’d ability should be the Wolf Companion.

Night ability 1:
Known allies - if any evil doer (NK/Cult/Unseen) visits you then you will know who they are and what class they are. You will also become death immune that night. (4 uses)

Relegate this to a Passive and limit the death immunity. The bread-and-butter for this class is Mimic, and they should be using the Mimic ability as often as possible.


Thanks for all the feedback. I made a few changes, please tell me how it is.

Any needed changes?

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Pick Prince’s ability?

Prince is unique, meaning that it will give the Apprentice immunity to death that night.