[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!

What are you on abkut

I claimed a claimvig was in play because I had a negative utility passive that I thought would be absolutely bonkers if there was no anti-claim
So yes, my anti-claim ‘passive’ is fake but I do have a negative utility passive

I knew there would be anticlaim just had to idea what anticlaim

And to self-preserve I’ve just had to execute HammerMan, unfortunately


So I am confirming I have a dayvig and shot ModeShifter because I thought he was ignoring me to protect Leafia being metaread
He sent the invite to the wrong discord account (the one I use for hosting)
So I shot him because I thought he ignored me three times

And I shot Zone d2 and found he was death immune
Which is why I thought he was immune to the lynch, because he wanted to be lynched very badly

So I just thought he was immune to everything

You better not have fucking shot me

Oh, I just did.

The fuck

Kyo ain’t town so you sticking up for Kyo was wrong.

My rolecard is that powerful I had to double check when I got it that Town wasn’t the NK faction


N1 I redirected Zone to himself (which is why there was no NK kill)
And N2 I redirected ash to themselves

… Oh my.
HammerMan is immune to death.

Or he’s got his mafia partners to heal him of some sorts.

Was your action processed

Don’t act like it wasn’t.
Of course it was processed. I asked this.

Kyo can you self hammer so the game can continue please

Like mechanicaly it’s you or four

Four is lock town so like just hammer so game either ends or can go faster

Mafia have a watcher