[COMBINED THREAD] Homestuck FM - New Session - Town and PM wins!

I legit thought it might be like 15 neutrals or something

I claimed PGO to try and save myself. Turns out, Mist1422 was the real PGO but he didn’t say anything.

Fair but there’s still the bus driver to contend with

the bus driver was scum

1 shot BPV omnibus driver is no
day/night supervig is no
insanely weak serial killer who is alone and has an executioner who can’t be killed with the sole wincon to kill them is no
half the game being ITA immune is no

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I softed it in my reaction but I didn’t want to out my role at any point

It did not

I didn’t get to shoot every night + every day

yes I’m saying the bus driver hits my alert

gib scumcord

the option to kill whenever you want plus infinite redirects
still pretty busted

I’m assuming normal gamer play

oh yes

Only one ITA shot landed to the best of my knowledge and if @ash4fun didn’t kill oB_L1ght there then I think scum would’ve steamrolled D3.

yee scumcord and spec chat for me please

I’m pretty proud of my play so I wanna vanity search myself and see how deluded I was

cloned should not have included so many things in flips

Oh yeah

ITAs were utterly useless this game because there were literally like, 7 ITA shields and 3 players without ITAs

daykills :joy_cat: should :joy_cat: be :joy_cat: disabled :joy_cat: in :joy_cat: LyLo :joy_cat: regardless :joy_cat: of :joy_cat: the :joy_cat: faction :joy_cat: of :joy_cat: the :joy_cat: killler


All I had was a n0 peek and a day or night bleed which was really underpowered so I think I did pretty well for my class, all things considered.

cloned should not have revealed zone’s rolecard from apprentice’s flip
cloned should not have revealed zone’s flavor fakeclaim
cloned should not have confirmed someone as town just because of a flip