Conversion delayed for one day

Playing as Mastermind, I converted a Sheriff. That player was still displaying a Sheriff portrait (even though he was “Marshal” in the list) and could still use Sheriff abilities for a day. Then I got exed (:() and he became an Assassin normally.

At the end of that game, the table displaying player names was also completely bugged (it was just a list of “Player name, Start Class, Final Cass, User name” repeated 16 times). Gold was displayed as “you earned %GP% gp” instead of the amount I won.

Screenshot courtesy of that player:

Did he/she try to use their day ability if so what happened?

Did they use expert investigate? If so did it come up like probe or no?

IIRC he tried to use Scout, but I’ll have to confirm with him. Normally I would have been able to ask him tomorrow since I talk with him regularly, but now he’s abroad for a couple of weeks, so I won’t be able to get more information about that bug for a while :confused:
