Cookie Thread - Last Poster!

Last Poster before a mod locks this thread gets a cookie.* **

*Mods are not eligible.
**The previous statement can be untrue if mod swears not to lock.

Domination Plans (TriumVirate access Only)

Geyde - Julius Caesar
Magnus - Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Mercenary - Crassus

**Domination is due for █/█/██. First target is New York.


What is this and why?

Like is this just a second cookie thread? Plus your rewards are screwed up you get two rewards at 100.

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You’re right lol.


I’m sure you’ll agree we’ve no need for a second spam thread

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I wanna spam thread. Basically these ‘rewards’ do actually do things.

I fear that’s not up to you to decide, really.

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You’ve made that abundantly clear.

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thread gets locked.


How about this? Whoever makes the last post before a mod locks this gets a cookie

Sure, why not?

I need some milk!

Part of me wants to lock this right after I post this message :wink:

Mods not eligible.

If the lock.

But I’m not a mod, I’m a squid :3

A squiderator.

By comparison, all of me wants to lock this