What is Merc’s flip?
Hello sir bossy boots.
The lel
Neutral Special
unconvertable (Passive) - conversion and occupy immune
not H_Hjasik (Passive) - H_Hjasik cant roll this class
protect (Day) - protect yourself and your target tonight - Infinite uses
attack (Night) - attack your target - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win
Shoot Boss110.
Reroll this roll with the added Post Restriction:
You must address players by an insulting nickname in the main thread. Please note this is not an excuse to break the respect rule.
Boss110 was…
Neutral Social
Buddy! (Passive) - You must buddy, agree with, pocket or otherwise suck up to Magnus and Geyde. While you remain alive, you will die in their place if either of them die.
Of course this man is wolf/scum! (Passive) - You must tunnel, gaslight, chainsaw or otherwise disagree with the first person that Magnus names as a scumread/wolfread. If they vote someone it is assumed they wolfread/scumread that person.
I know 3 passives aren’t allowed but I feel sorry for you (Passive) - If you break your posting restriction you will not be modkilled and will instead be converted into an abilityless neutral survivor. That’s gotta be better than this, right?
Preparation (Day) - If you would die from your Buddy! passive tonight you will instead live and attack the person who attacked one of your targets - 4 uses.
SCREEEEEEEEEE (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 use.
You win if one of your targets lives until the end of the game and the target of your second passive is dead by the end of the game.
You’re right, son of a ████.
Magnus and Geyde won.
Neutral Killing
Magnus OP (Passive) - Only Magnus can flip this class.
I Can’t believe you’ve done this (Passive) - Someone posted a picture of Magnus online, so naturally, they all have to die. Anyone who visits Magnus, visits his targets, or looks at him will die.
Dayvig (Day ability) - Shoot a player. This cannot be blocked or prevented - Infinite uses.
Bump (Night ability) - Bump a thread, annoying everyone.
You have to kill [x], [x], [x], and everyone else.
I am definitely a boy who have rainbow hair btw.
So what this thread is demonstrating is that people should post more off topic threads like this because mods won’t do anything about it.
@Geyde is this right
Wait so no one will get the cookie?
I will feel evil if I do that
Congrats on your third cookie Hja.
I’ll be the boogeyman, you clearly need.
Scythe Falls