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There are some good natural methods to make your food sweet, instead of sugar, but they are not the cheapest
And which company uses expensive materials for food, instead of cheap :eyes:

why would you willingly add more sugar to something


Because cereal sucks.

just don’t have breakfast

Im trying to phase sugar out of my life
Unfortunately, i’ve been addicted to it for a while
Currently yogurt and barbecue sauce is where im down to in terms of lessening it, but that’s still a lot

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sweet pancakes?
what the hell?

i mean
i put hot sauce on mine

Good shit.

i refuse to drink anything but diet water

i live off coffee and chocolate milk ngl

Nappy is dead, I hid him in my closet. That’s where I got this pfp

We do salt into the pancakes, not sugar :eyes:

My father whom I tried to get into tea just adds three spoonfuls of sugar into his cup every time I brew him something.
After a hundred times of trying to get him to try it without adding anything (or offering compromises like honey, which were all declined) I just stopped brewing him tea lmao.

Some people just want their foods to be sweet.
Also, doesn’t white bread that is sold in the USA have sugar added to it?



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In the west it’s common to put maple syrup on pancakes

ngl i do that as well

im diet water :flushed:

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What the hell.

hi diet water.

Am rain water.