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alcohol tastes gross though

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this forum’s consensus least favorite drink is probably alcoholic coffee


I want die
Banging headache FUCK

water gang water gang

It deals with the problems

they should make alcoholic water

just don’t have headaches

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of course
I guess I’m not trying hard enough
that’ll totally fix this


thats NSFW

i prefer hand-holding headache

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you are welcome

you just need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps

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cmon arete you usually have good opinions why are you wrong

I’m not a man enough
Just take it lol

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Bullshit goddamn standards

I agree
Shots are disgusting
Beer tastes like apple juice if you took out all the flavor, carbonated it, and made it parch you when you drink it
wine is just too syrupy

just think positive and your headache will go away :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

if that doesn’t work then probably you’re not trying hard enough :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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take some excedrin if you have any @Geyde

I have done some research and found that 100% of our problems can be retraced to being born

have we tried being unborn yet

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Too lazy
I’d rather take a minute or so to drink and cri

the unseen-sponsored drink is water because it is clear and therefore unseen

the alcoholic puts vodka in his glass and tells us it’s water but he’s fooling nobody


Unseen has a sponsored drink? Oh crap I’m switching