Cooldown system from leaving games early

The cooldown would stop players from rerolling their roles by leaving each game. It seems unreasonable to ban players that have to leave for other , eg internet breaks. Thanks for reading.


I agree, I think the cool down should be 1-3 hours depending on how many times you have done it.

maybe starts at 5 mins, then escalates to 15 mins, then half an hour, then an hour, then 2 hours, then 3 hours, 5 hours, 10 hours, 20 hours, 25 hours, 50 hours, and so on, but it resets every week, so that it never gets ridiculously long, and people who this happens to by chance aren’t severely punished

I think it would be better to start at 5 mins, then 15 mins, then an hour, then 3 hours, then 10 hours, then 24., and every 3 days you go without leaving a game it goes down 1.

i was going with the 1-2-5 “round numbers” approach
basically, if you want to have, say, different phases for a video game boss, you could have 1, 2, 3, or 5, but 4 doesnt really make sense

or maybe its my idea, but the rate of growth goes up if they do it every 2 weeks, but it always starts at 5 mins
so it could be 5 then 15 one 2-week-period,
and 5 then 30 the next

I don’t think the 5 minutes wrist slap is needed in a game with a reconnect feature. IMO it should start at the average length of a game, and go up from there.

the reconnect feature never works for me . i have had bad connection from my i so last few days and not once has reconnect worked for me . even though my outages are usually no more than 10 seconds

Are you drunk Norm? If there is gonna be a cooldown it’s not gonna be that long. Imagine losing connection and being unable to play for 3 hours 'cause your connection sucks. I’ve had a really bad connection until some months ago and I feel the pain. If there is gonna be a cooldown it’s gonna be for few minutes.


I agree 1-3 hours is stupid (at least as a starting point), but I also think less than 20-30 minutes is a bad concept as well. Bottom line, I think it should be worth making leaving the game N1 if you aren’t a role you wanted, a worse option than playing through the game until at least you die.

Under age alcohol consumption is not something to joke about


5-10 minutes seems reasonable.
Though it shouldn’t count if you leave while dead since what’s there to do as a dead evil/neutral/BD that priest doesn’t wanna resurrect anyways?.