Copying death notes

One of the things I like about ToL is not knowing what class killed someone unless the physician exhumes them. However, death notes stop this. I cannot make players think that someone was killed by the reaper if the reaper leaves a death note, as my computer is too slow to handle such precise drawing.

This is why I want to be able to copy another death note on a body onto your own death note. Adds more flavor to the game, more uncertainty, and more strategy for bad guys.



I don’t wanna be plagarised.


It ruins the game when people make death notes in the first place, as it allows the BD to distinguish between different killers.

However, I like death notes, and so would rather the ability to copy them, so as not to let the BD know too much

I have to agree with this. You should not be allowed to copy people’s deathnotes as your own. With the use of deathnotes to announce different killers, it makes things more intense as you need to find the other killer as quickly as possible as well as facing the Unseen/Cult threat. You cannot use them to make yourself so confusing in the end as it will also defeat the purpose of a social deduction game where you have to determine if there is an NK or not.

Sorry Rope, but I don’t think that idea of yours is going to fly.

Would it be okay if you could directly use someone else’s deathnote in game, but at the end/him the logs it is marked as you using their deathnote
By that I mean that you could either use the exact deathnote of a body, no editing, and it is marked in the logs as such, or you could make your own


I think the point though is that people may not want their notes to be used by other people, especially if it is used to disguise another killer.

the death notes are a tool of the killer not the killee . they are left by the killer to leave a message . if you have the skills to counterfeit someone’s note . good for you . Not everything in the game is about making it easier for blue dragon

This is the stupidest thing in this thread.


In addition, players have to deduce based on how the player acted before their death who was more likely to kill them, instead of just looking at some random drawing left to get people to say “wow your such a good artist”

Not to mention it makes exhume actually useful.

This is an invalid argument. People likely wouldn’t use it for recognition for “their” art, but instead for deceptive purposes.

It doesn’t really matter? copying an inappropriate should still be considered bad

I don’t want someone to basically game throw by giving the BD more information than necessary.

I can’t understand this

I wasn’t talking about inappropriate art
I was suggesting a way for using other people’s deathnotes to work, one, without people keeping the copy to use in future games, and two, with a mechanic built in to let people try and deduce whether the note was faked or not

I can’t understand this

Often the case .

This isn’t gamethrowing. Gamethrowing is when you deliberately harm your faction. For example, giving all your members of the Unseen in your journal and leaving the game as you can’t stand Unseen.

NK’s cannot gamethrow as they have their own specific wincon. If you don’t want to be known, then just don’t make a deathnote.

they can still gamethrow by intentionally causing themselves to lose

Right, not everything is supposed to make the game easier for the BD.

That’s why this is a decent suggestion, as it removes something that makes the game easier for the BD.

@Luxx I don’t think it’s plagairism if somebody just uses your death note in the same game. It’s not like they can use it in any game you aren’t in.

Letting people use other people’s deathnotes would violate people’s rights, since their personal drawing or whatever they drew or wrote is theirs. So no.

For example, someone could copy Luxx’s awesome deathnotes, in this case that’s practically Luxx’s work stolen with the help of the game.

How is it stolen though? They can’t just copy it and save it or anything, so whoever made the death note they’re using must already be in the game, and must already be using the death note.

It’s not like the artist can’t just sign the death note if they care that much about a temporary drawing for a game.

And it’s not like this enables people to save the art to their hard drive any more than before, as they can just screenshot it anyways.

I really see no case for theft whatsoever.

Apply a copyright. then that will be

It’s not about theft. When you make art though you have the rights to allow or not allow people to use it. :man_shrugging:
They will most likely not steal it, but they still use it.

That’s still theft in all honesty Try. They have no consent to use it. You’re talking someone who does law. If you’re interested, i can give you a mini lecture via discord pms. (I just love law so much, though kinda failed the recent exam. Least it was about criminal law and not murder)

I would suggest that if I was the company running this game I would instead put up an eula saying that I owned everything you put in a deathnote . Just to stop their being any bother about advertising etc of the game .

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