Copying whispers

Whispers should not be able to be copy and pasted. Lying is the best part of the game and being able to lie about a whisper is huge. As it stands now I can’t lie because what I said can be copy and pasted.

Imo only day public chat should be able to be copied. Nothing else. Not jail chat or psy chat.

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Day chat shouldn’t be able to be copied at all. If you can, this is a bug (I think).

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I know it was intended based on past patches, IE they had to make system messages uncopyable to prevent princes from using it for metagaming, and there was a bug from that patch that made trollboxed messages unselectable, which was remedied by making trollbox messages selectable.

Personally I don’t see a problem with public chat being copy/pastable, but I do agree, whispers and night chats should be put into the category of system messages in being unselectable.


I like day chat copying, to prove toolbox kind of. Being fool I hate it because you can copy and paste and the target can easily confirm box.

I do agree, but I think that’s the least necessary use of it anyway. 9/10x if you suspect a TB, very rarely do people even bother usually they just say “can you repeat that 3?”.

For me when I’m an investigative role, when I accuse someone I always do it like

X is cult

To save everyone the time.