Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

cough the message just above says Alice DID claim neut so I’m assuming this was some kind of test to take advantage of the time while I’m still catching up.

I’ll try to skim-read and catch up as quickly as possible. That was a bit of an evasive response but I don’t want to roleclaim as soon as I sub in without knowing what’s going on first.

Oh never mind this slot claimed neut right off the bat lol.

aaaaaand there’s only one neutral

The neut kinda gets to pick its alignment

This slot kind of self-cleared for claiming SOD1.
Would be crazy to wolf-side after open-claiming.

first person on my list: cloned

I’m focusing mostly on D2/D3 here because that’s the day when I feel like I have the best sense of what the scum plan would have been

when I first saw these two posts, I thought this was a reasonably townie response to defending a wolf, re-reading them now I still basically think that, I think this response is pretty genuine


Read Aroot scum
Although there’s the portion about wazza and aroot not being aligned, its pretty clear those two were distancing yesterday no matter what their alignment was.
And this accusation, although it kinda went UTR, was not something that could be brushed off like mine; Insanity is a player that is held in higher regard than me
although thats not really a high bar to clear
Overall i wanna follow the dead man and
/vote Arete

okay I wanted to go point by point through all the posts I quoted in the dropdown^ but when I actually looked at them together I don’t actually think that would be helpful, like, I basically just would be saying ‘here he pushes someone, here he pushes someone else’ and I don’t think that’s very helpful

so instead I’m just going to bullet-point the things I found villagery, and pull out anything that made me mrrrrr and talk about it separately

so, things I find villagery:

  • he’s meaningfully pushing people outside the consensus ‘this is who we’re executing’ group at all. scum wouldn’t really have needed to do that, and if they were going to do that they wouldn’t have needed to do more than just lay a sort of perfunctory vote on whatever wagon they wanted.
  • he’s interacting with and trying to solve lots of different people, rather than just focusing on a couple of slots. For players of his experience level a wide focus tends to be village-indicative, whereas wolves at his experience level are more likely to focus on a couple people to analyze.
  • he’s not just going for “easy” wagons while simultaneously he’s not really doing the whole ‘widen the PoE’ thing that you see from scum sometimes, like, scum really doesn’t need to push on me yesterday (today maybe, yesterday no) and yet he spends a large chunk of yesterday making a serious push on me. I also don’t think pushing on the one person defending you is really a strategy that makes sense for scum
  • I think he legitimately believes his reads, the level of conviction he’s showing is a decent look and although he does sometimes change his reads it feels more to me like legitimate reconsideration – I can follow his reasoning for doing it

things that made me mrrrr:

this post is basically fine in a vacuum but it’s kind of weird in terms of his current read on me, the progression is less “there” than it is for some of his other reads

this is roughly my least favorite post in his Iso (not just because it’s about me :upside_down_face:) – saying things like ‘if X flips town, then Y who is pushing them is scum and we should vote out Y’ is the sort of thing I used to say a lot when I was new to playing scum and X and Y were both villagers

however overall I think those two posts are consistent with him being a villager who just thinks I’m way better than I am and thus thinks that me being wrong a couple times makes me a wolf, so they’re not enough to outweigh the other reasons I have to villa-read him

Until someone cough Cough Xblade cough Cough fixes the Facebook Login Redirect so I can log into Surge. I’m using this account until I get my Surge back.
(Chloe said I could)

I’ll be back later and I hate you all for lynching Moleland OwO.
Also Arete is Town.

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I actually wouldn’t mind seeing Arete go today and I will explain my vote on Mole in a bit. I will also explain the reason I want Arete dead today.

When did you get here?

Why in the hell are we blindly voting up derps? We did this with Conduit and Mole and they both flipped town, so why are we assuming derps is a wolf? Like we need to re-evaluate everything because if we keep seeing town flip the wolves are very deep in the town right now.

no one is voting Derps

like as a practical matter

no one’s vote is currently on Derps

Due to technical difficulties with the forum maintenance, @ChopChop has been given permission to post on @CallMeIo

Please do not discuss this decision.


Will be greatly appreciated

This post is
almost exactly the same in terms of the quality of the read Arete has had on my slot
Their read is “they show a very good effort that’s not like a scumteam member”

Even after seeming to engage in the “Well town can be wrong” debacle they don’t recognize any posts from today which is ???

I feel like they’re sidestepping the issue here like they did for the last “push” (correct use of air quotes) in an attempt to pocket

I think they’re talking about your call to kill Derps at SoD

You are acting like we should be going Derps today (at least from what I saw of your posts today), but we can’t just randomly vote blindly in the PoE at this point. If you think Derps is a wolf then you need very good reasoning today

Anyway, freshly baked bread is waiting

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a loaf of chleb
did i get the meme right

my post on Derps was literally unrelated to my read on his alignment and I said that

the thing with Derps is that if Derps is a wolf, and we hit town today, and the neut is scumsiding, then we lose because Derps can buy a vig shot

this is not true of anyone else in the game, only Derps

your posts from today aren’t really affecting my read on you


I find them frustrating because I’m pretty sure you’re town and I’m pretty sure you’re going to lose us the game

but … the fact that your read is wrong doesn’t make me think you’re a wolf, because town can be wrong :upside_down_face: