Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

words be hard

From a neutral standpoint their spiel yesterday was NAI
Which is a problem

I’m not really connecting how you went from “vote derps” to “not vote derps”
reading time i guess

or ma’am
or the gender neutral equivalent that I have yet to learn

…I’ll keep this in mind, but this isn’t really the point of contest right now, is it?

my original reason for considering voting Derps was more or less ‘if Derps is Mafia and we misexe today then he can buy vig and win’

as the day actually went on and I considered Derps’s actions, I came to the conclusion that he probably wasn’t actually a wolf, and separately that Light probably was a wolf

ultimately I decided that I would rather pursue my actual reads then hedge against ‘if he’s scum then he can autowin’

rereading time

see you individuals tomorrow because y’all gonna go to sleep

everyone else also should to avoid another PKR last night

I mean

Light and I are blatantly unaligned at EoD1

like as far as I can tell the actual “points” you’re raising today is ‘Arete was strawmanning’ which isn’t really true, like I think you think it’s true because you think your arguments against me are good but actually your arguments against me suck which is why I’m treating them as if they suck, and … whatever your point on Derps is? like as far as I can tell your point is ‘Arete said at the start of the day that they might vote Derps, and if Derps had been voted out scum would have won’ but you’re completely ignoring the fact that when it came down to it at EoD, with multiple people saying they were willing to vote Derps, I strongarmed the vote onto Light over Derps because I’d concluded that Derps was probably villa, like as far as I can tell you just do not actually have an explanation for why I did that that makes sense with the rest of your worldview

deadchat and specchat is yelling at me to push harder or stop being stupid
im inclined to think the 2nd one


it would be helpful to me in sorting you if you would walk me through your play this game, as much as you remember of what you did, and explain what you were thinking/what your perspective was/the thought process behind your actions (like as in the things you’ve done in general, not just points stuff, to be clear) (Appel I know you were only in it for a couple days, just talk about it for the days you were in the game)

example of what I mean from another game, hopefully it's clear enough what I'm looking for? (yours doesn't have to be as much of a wallpost, but more detail will be more helpful)

@an_gorta_pratai I’m less concerned about your slot, I’d appreciate it if you could do this but it’s less “urgent” that you do it since I’m already pretty sure about your slot being town, if you think your time would be more usefully spent doing something else I won’t be like ‘you are :joy_cat: wolf :joy_cat:

aret sleep

see you all tomorrow

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I am dumb then

Why would Arete bus both teamates instead of pushing PKR or derps? That’s my only Caveat here

Sure, ezpz for me tbh.

The inner machinations of my mind

I will run through my D1. D1 I mostly wanted to do a reaction test to see if I could force scum into buying votes from me D2, since they would only get 1 and I would gain coins to use in future rounds. My read on you and Alice was quite and has been persistent since then. I decided to make this read because I know that solving you both early on is good because the later games go on, the more deepwolf paranoia begins so by just getting it done with, I was able to move on and focus onto others.

I also interacted more with people who I struggle to read, such as Cheese and Trochi. In the end I misread Trochi because some posts felt disingenuine and I think in retrospect my scumread on Cloned was a bit fast, though I still dislike how they handled Alice being the claimed neut and voting them for a significant time.

N1, I chose to not buy anything. I know that based on discussion I should have bought the tri vote but since I had planned D2 to do the whole bluff thing, I had to withhold from doing it then. I had considered whether thugging was good but there was not enough information to go off. Another reason I did not buy anything was because vote power would be high on D2 so I felt like it would not impact anything. I also used N1 to think over my reads some more as by then I had decided to let Wazza stay alive and just be someone for me to read later on.

D2, I went with the bluff but quickly changed it when I realised how scummy it would be once revealed that it was all a lie and the amount of time that I had wasted. I panicked due to the lie that I would be suspicious so I aimed to have it so that I could buy something, the triplevoter on the following night. I decided to joke about with Alice because it was still early on in the day and I do not regret that as I think it kept the thread pleasant.

I also did it so I could appear as my usual town self because I wanted to not be mislynched and so far it seems that it had worked. Both Alice and Arete at the time had agreed that I was likelier doing it as town than scum. I know it might be a bit unusual, but I wanted to use the meta to my advantage so I could live and actually do stuff.

Cloned and I had more interactions due to me suspecting them, but, this day was also when I did say my suspicions on the Eli slot which now holds Appel. I said I would likely miss EoD and I did. I correctly read Conduit though which made me feel proud despite the lynch going poorly.

N2, I got triplevote because, well, yeah. I kinda had to at that point.

D3, I very clearly had forgotten a bit about Eli and nobody really questioned it. I made a readslist and explained them. It was not the best since based off my current reads, it would mean I had 4 people wrong and 1 person fully missed off. I voted cheese because I was thinking they were scum, still from the paranoia of cheese having voted Alice and only really done that D1. I thought it was sufficiently scummy to continue my SR on them without just full reevaluation without bias.

N3, chose to buy nothing. Had no reason to do so and only 5 coins left. I started to feel a bit pissed off that I was on no wagons so had no spare coins at any other point.

D4, was honestly kinda a clusterfuck due to the forums going down and it killed most of the motivation I had. We had a usual fun me v Seth thing and I did not realise Call was Seth nor did I realise Lemon subbed for Alice, or, at least I forgot it later on and just thought of it like another slot which would be good for solving a slot had it not been the neut claim lol.

I tried to explain away my dumbness using sleep deprivation because, lets be honest, yall know I rarely ever get enough sleep and I thought that it would be thought of in a positive way because I was just being honest instead of making shit up.

Seth asked me to analyse Light because he kept saying we were a scumteam, some of which was based off false narrative for example the chart Light made, Seth said was made for this game in scumchat which I dismissed Seth for. I did not end up placing a vote for EoD but as I said I always would have voted Light over Arete so I at least spiritually on the wagon. The reason for this again was rest.

N4 I chose to buy triplevoter as now, votes are fucking important as I realised when I was analysing the possible results come the night end. Which is what I said a bit into today.

D5 so far I have attempted to poe everyone which I think is just as effective as deep analysing one slot in an ISO dive because I have known that I can be wrong when doing it that way so thought to try something new here which conceptually should be similar but hopefully will have different results.

post edit, put in a spoiler because holy fuck that is a lot of text.

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Also honestly diving into my own mind with what I remember in around half an hour is kinda a highlight and if this works out to help sort my slot then I need to remember, or be reminded, to do this in other games because this felt actually kinda nice.

Thanks Arete and have a nice rest.

but Wazza and Light were clearly signalling to Alice


These are very posts mentioning Alice and Arete from both flipped scum

Do these look like partner-y interactions?

Could this interaction be a signal?
mech bs
Arete on Light
an odd comment

Looking back at both Light and Arete I could see some partner-y stuff, like when Arete TR’d Light for most of the game, but started SRing Light yesterday. They both equally push people like Conduit and Mole. I also recall Arete doubting that Light would flip a wolf.

examples of Arete doubting that Light flips wolf

Like Arete keeps saying “what if I am wrong” after making a massive wall post on why Light is scum after townreading them for most of the game.

Arete goes from this

to this
I am also baffled that the wolves killed Seth over Arete. If Seth was alive and Arete town I feel like Seth would have death tunneled Arete, which would have made the scum win easily with 3 people who highly suspect Arete. Seth was also the most locktown out of me,cheese, and Seth.

Anyway, I do think Arete has some partner potential with Light, but I am going to bed soon. Tomorrow I want to look at PKR,Cloned, and Appel

I just got home, I’ll do that in an hour or so. How long until EoD?

How is it an admission of guilt? I just find it baffling that you would put so much weight on your suspicion of my read that it would influence your read on someone else. It’d be fine if you were convinced by my explanation or something but your reason seemed to be based on your scum-read on me and general distrust towards me. That reason would make sense if you thought I were on the scum team and had insider info but I’m just a neutral and there’s only 1 scum left so I’m struggling to see where you’re coming from.

If you have other reasons to town-read PKR, I’d love to hear them because I’m definitely not convinced by the reasons you’ve given so far.

actually, hold that thought
let me catch up with thread first

*only one I don’t have a town read on
PKR has thus far not shown any towniness that I have caught strong or weak hints off everyone else. Surge got NK’d and their top suspects were Light and PKR. I had a similar lack of town vibes from Derps before EOD4 but derps flipped town after getting mod-killed. Maybe I was being over-confident in my suspicion of PKR, but I genuinely believe they are the most likely candidate to be scum.

Also, considering the fact that I was the second to jump on Light’s vote wagon after Surge, I really question your scum read on me, which seems to come from paranoia more than anything else. If I were really scum-sided, I would just sit back and not say anything and vote last rather than start the day off by voting someone, thereby drawing attention to myself. Either way, your main reason for defending PKR thus far has been because I voted them and since you’re sure I’m scum, PKR must be town. Such logic makes absolute no sense to me but I appreciate your analysis on other people in this post.